I need help with guns

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Post by Microman171 »

Can somebody please post a gun with 1st person animtions.

ZenBudha: No I don't have the animations for the weapon and that is probebly why it doesn't work

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Post by ZenBudha »

Here's hint to help you get it working. The engine just needs to see an Arm, Reload, and Fire animation.

That doesn't mean they have to actually do anything. Just make 3 animation files for the weapon with the right names and no real animation. The engine won't care.

Then you can experiment once you have the weapon aligned on the screen properly etc.

Actually it's interesting in that I just checked all the v_weapons in the Media/Actors/Weapon folder in RF with Actorciewer.

It seems the only animation they have is "idle" and they all work. Must just be screenshake, muzzleflash, and sound that makes them seem animated.

I think we need some expert advice here from someone like Gekido.
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Post by Microman171 »

how do I add an animation without using Gmax

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Post by jonas »

Could you possibly make a text file and change the extention to mot. Your exporting from gmax as nfo then into act build(what ever its called) right? If so just name a a couple text files the animation name then .mot then import them into act build.

Would that work? :?:

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Post by Microman171 »

sadley no the actStudio just gets errors

I tried making key files with gmax and that didn't work

--[EDIT]-- I made the animations in my old gun and then it crashes when I fire 1-2 times --[/EDIT]--

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Post by Microman171 »

how do I make the animtions??

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Post by Microman171 »

Ok I have the animations and when the game is playing then it crashes a little while after I pick up the weapon

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Post by Microman171 »

I sorry to just be bumping my posts but please help reeeeeeallllly need some help this is my firs 1st person shooter and I can't even get the guns working how sad is that? Here is a zip file of the stuff I'm using please edit them so they work then post them back to me so I can study them. If there is anything missing please tell me and I'll update the zip file. Here is the link.

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Post by AndyCR »

i didnt study the files yet, but one thing: make sure to have seperate animations for each action (theirs five or so), rf does not like it when you say fireanimation=fire, walkanimation=fire, etc. just as an example.
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Post by Microman171 »

I've updated my gun file with the animtons required in the weapon.ini but it crashes 3-4 sec's after I pick it up

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Post by Microman171 »

please please please help me on this one after this I plan to study the bits and then try by myself then make good fps games

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Post by AndyCR »

i just tried accessing weapons.zip, and it says:

err-or! er-ror - 404!
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Post by Microman171 »

Sorry about that I've fixed it now. BTW the thing about the 'Some folks can see dead people - can you see dead pages?' Is an angelfire thing

Please guys help :cry: :cry: I really need it. But thanks guys for all of the help you've given me in the past

[Edit QuestOfDreams: If someone wants to answer he/she will find the topic no matter what. Don't spam the forums]

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Post by Microman171 »

sorry bump

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Post by ZenBudha »

Have you tried exporting your own animations for the gun?

Just some helpfull advice I've learned over time about game dev. When you get suck move on to something else and then come back. Otherwise you'll just frustrate yourself and get little or nothing done.

Also sometimes pushing it to the side for a couple of days and then taking a fresh look at it helps as well. Thats what it took for me to figure out how to get my animations to work in RF. About 2 days of frustration set it aside for a couple of days and then re-approached it.
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