Whats the difference?

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Whats the difference?

Post by Kiji8989 »

I'm new, and I read a few posts...But I didnt get it. What is the difference? Like what extras will it have?
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Re: Whats the difference?

Post by ardentcrest »


The RF you are using now uses the old 1996 Genesis engine.(with updates)
The next RF update will have a 2.0 Genesis engine ( A QOD update of the 1996 engine)


RF2 is been done by AndyCR and Mr P (Paradoxnj).
This is going to use the OGRE 3D enegine a moden uptodate enegine.

Now Genesis and ORGE are the graphic enegines, RF and RF2 are the game engines that rap around the graphic enegines.

We will soon have two game creators, one for the noobs(RF) and one for the inters to pros(RF2).

On a side note, did a google of your user name. got 225 hits for it.
nice pet site. http://www.v-petsite.com/stallionforest/

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Re: Whats the difference?

Post by AndyCR »

ardentcrest wrote:We will soon have two game creators, one for the noobs(RF) and one for the inters to pros(RF2).
I wouldn't really make a distinction in that regard. It requires more skill to use now, but the goal is to have it as easy to use as RF. In reality, it's just different. It's also not done yet. It has all game logic in Python for flexibility, a new toolset, and a new, more modern engine.
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Re: Whats the difference?

Post by Kiji8989 »

AndyCR wrote:
ardentcrest wrote:We will soon have two game creators, one for the noobs(RF) and one for the inters to pros(RF2).
I wouldn't really make a distinction in that regard. It requires more skill to use now, but the goal is to have it as easy to use as RF. In reality, it's just different. It's also not done yet. It has all game logic in Python for flexibility, a new toolset, and a new, more modern engine.

ok...will it have multiplayer functions? Not like an MMORPG, but a more local multiplayer?
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Re: Whats the difference?

Post by AndyCR »

It's doubtful that the first release will. I'm mainly focusing on absolutely essential features in the first release.
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Re: Whats the difference?

Post by Destron »

Good. I would stress that getting a finished version of RF2 working without multiplayer sooner is more important than trying to fit it all in and release it later.
That's my opinion anyway.
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Re: Whats the difference?

Post by Kiji8989 »

ardentcrest wrote: On a side note, did a google of your user name. got 225 hits for it.
nice pet site. http://www.v-petsite.com/stallionforest/

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :wink:

Omg! That site is stalking me EVERYWHERE. I gave up on it for TotM, and I am (and still) looking for a new owner for it. I've had people on 3-5 different sites pm me just to talk about SF. Wow.

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Re: Whats the difference?

Post by Veleran »

I read a review in gamedev about ogre-its at the botttom of that page titled "Not easier that D3D itself":
http://www.devmaster.net/engines/engine ... =2#reviews

I remember in 1996 my older brother who had a pc,told me to get a pc too,and that my old favourite commodore amiga computer could not compete the pc because she did nt change enough or upgrade to develop more,because she was made that way.

On the other side,he said the pc was a combination of several removable parts and was like Morpheus the ancient greek god and changed shape constantly-improving rapidly.

A game engine should have an interface that allows you replace easily whole parts of its structure independently without having to re-write the engine from the begining.

I mean like the pc,to change even the base core easily.
Then it might be another engine with a new name,but it would still be a game engine,like the pc always remained a growing pc.
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Re: Whats the difference?

Post by paradoxnj »

Ogre is not a game engine...it's a rendering engine. We are writing the game engine. You will not have to interface with Ogre. You should only have to write Python scripts to achieve your goals.
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