Hey ZenBudha!!!
>Because when your mind begins to try to interpret the image you lose the target.
Perfectly stated.

Just "see and absorb" is my thinking.
>I got a black half sphere with a triangle on top of it.
>The target turned out to be a WWI German helmet

)))) That's extremely close. I'll post my experience in
another message.
>Also have to hand it to you for pitching the game to Dreamctcher. There's no way
>I would have the marbles to actually do that. I hate rejection and if they actually
>said ok I would probably get so stressed I would have a stroke worrying about completing it.
Ha! Well here's the thing. When I found out I was going to get to go to E3 (thanks

I went through the list of companies and wrote to them before the show
to set up meetings. I got some replies, and the most interested was Dreamcatcher.
The woman said she liked my idea enough to give me a half hour of her time, and
at that point I figured she already liked the idea, so the worst that could happen
was she'd say she didn't like my implementation. And I can fix that, so I figured
I had nothing to lose. I met her, and gave her a demo CD and the datasheet. She
asked me some interesting questions about how I planned on finishing the game,
what was my budget, was I going to use RF, etc. She said something like "Let
me level with you. You're an unknown. The only way we'd commit to publishing
your game is if it was finished, or if you had an established team of developers
working on it. Keep in touch and send me updates of your progress." So, it
went pretty well. It never occurred to me until I was sitting in front of her that
she might want me to finish it asap, and I did start sweating. I figured I'd recruit
people from the forum to help me.
>I just tried the demo and I must agree it is a sweet looking game. Love the information screens.
Thanks! They were my first attempt at modelling.
>Anyway the puzzle didn't reset or anything I tried clicking a few more boxes
>and I got a crash. Probably something I did.
I think it's that version of RF - not the most stable. Technically the card sets are
not the puzzles. When you get into the game, there are real actual puzzles (just
one in the demo unfortunately) that you solve, also using psychic ability. Then
you are presented with a set of cards on your way out of the level.
>On another note is this demo using bumpmapping? As either the textures are
>just that good or you've found some way to get the bumpmapping working properly.

The textures are just that good. Nick is amazing. The shame of it is, I have
a bunch of great textures for the ice level that I didn't get to use because I didn't
have time to finish the demo. They're gorgeous. RF 068 was before bumpmapping.
Thanks! And thanks for all your great comments.
>Edit: This time I opened the door but when I entered the next room I got another crash.
>Hopefully nobody else is having this problem. Maybe I got a bad download or
>something as I've tried two different video modes.
No I bet it's the stability - I have 3 PCs and it works on two and crashes on the third.
What are your specs, just out of curiosity? Generally it crashes on changelevels
and card choices. Or sound. A song plays briefly when you open the doors and
see the three card sets in the water. I've had it crash there. This is going to sound
strange, but the one consistent thing I've noticed that seems to work is - don't move
when anything else is moving. Don't walk or turn when the cards are being displayed,
don't walk through a door while it's opening, don't use the hand several times in a row,
or while something is moving. There are some rather.... "interesting".. moving plats
in the cemetery level. You can turn to look at them but if you try to walk it will almost
always crash. Wait until they get out of sight before you start moving. That's one reason I want to upgrade to a newer RF or one of the RF2s.
PS. Did you see the fireflies?