[NOT A BUG] Stencil shadows on the back of the walls

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[NOT A BUG] Stencil shadows on the back of the walls

Post by Veleran »

That is a staticmesh test with a default color,and the stencil shadows of these actors project untrimmed,and on some walls that dont actually receive these shadows.
Maximum Stencilshadows are set to 1.Its the same shadow that projects further.
I have tested all visibility and backface settings.

At first i did nt notice it,but as i increased the ambient of the static mesh i show that the shadows of the player and a pawn near him,are projected on the vertical wall below and on the bottom floor.

On the first pic:I believe only the excess of the shadows should appear on the bottom floor-not the whole shadows.
And sure the vertical wall should nt have the shadows on it.

On the bottom pic,the shadows should appear only on the plane the two actors are standing-If you know what i mean.
Could this be fixed?Maybe the framerate would improve if we remove these extra shadows.
Staticmesh_Stencil_Shadows-1.jpg (5.28 KiB) Viewed 381 times
Staticmesh_Stencil_Shadows.jpg (8.05 KiB) Viewed 381 times
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Re: Stencil shadows on the back of the walls

Post by QuestOfDreams »

This can't be fixed. That's the way stencil shadows work. If you combine objects that don't cast stencil shadows with objects that cast stencil shadows you will always get this result.
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