I've been writing a video game script since summer '05. The original name was "Dark Island". Now the game is called "Abbadon: Paradise of Darkness". The setting is on a huge island.
When I learn Reality Factory to make island, it'll start being in on more development. But the models are being made. Which I'll explain in a minute.
Here's the game info.
"Two parents, Jack and Sarah Schuyler,
wanted to work things out so they won't get a divorce.
They have two 10 year old boys.
Jack rented a boat for the family for alittle vacation.
The whole family sails off in the middle of the Pacific Ocean for "Peace And Quiet".
The first night, a storm came. Made the boat crash into a unknown island.
When Jack woke up, Jack couldn't find his family.
Jack found blood next to the boat.
As he search for his wife and kids, he started to see unusual things.
Then realized he has to fight his way though
the whole island to find and save his family..."
The game will be horror kind. The player must fight unspeakable creatures though the island to find his family.
You might think the game might be like Resident Evil or Silent Hill...no. It'll have shocking things.
To make you guys understand more, later in the game, you have to cut ALOT of dead bodies tummys to make a long rope made of guts to escape a cave.
One creature is currently being made. Here's the art work, and what is look like so far. I have a modeler to make the models for me.

I'm the writer, level designer(Well, very soon ), and CEO of my own company, Sanitarium Games®.
I have a modeler becase modelling was never my cup of tea.
The art work was from my drawer. He's the co-writer and President of Sanitarium Games®.
Sanitarium Games® only has 4 people total.

There will be more crazy things like the gut rope. You might think we are sick. Maybe we are, but don't care.
Few questions, what's the best tutorials to start with RF and is there only tutorials that's close to make a island, ocean, and watefall?
How big can I make my own world. Is it unlimited?
Will the engine crashed if there are a ALOT trees and objects?
And if the world can't be unlimited can I connect levels? Meaning like I made each level on it's own file. Can I connect them?
The game will be release in March 1, 2009. Yea, two years for now. Hope you guys will become fans.