Our hasn't got only an animator,we even got a scripter - Juutis,yes he is part of the team (I'm not sure he knows that actually

I'll give my skype to the animator so we can stay in touch.

Well I know now.we even got a scripter - Juutis,yes he is part of the team (I'm not sure he knows that actually)
Juutis wrote:Well I know now.we even got a scripter - Juutis,yes he is part of the team (I'm not sure he knows that actually)
For your information: I use Anim8or for animating (and modeling), so I can import files with the following extensions:metal_head wrote:Well,actually I need a man to help me with the animations,I'm also new so we can learn together if you want,you'll get credit in the game,everyone who wants to be an animator from aour team is welcome (the more,the better) I'll upload some screenshots of moels and with joints so you can see them.I want just a few basic animations (walking,attacking (the idleI can make it myself) dying etc.)