Code: Select all
tilttimer [0]
tiltamount [0]
rotateamount [0]
lastbullets [0]
Spawn[ ()
} ]
run[ ()
self.ThinkTime = 0.04;
if(GetAttribute("uzib","Player") < lastbullets)
tilttimer = self.time + 0.1;
tiltamount = (random(-3,3) + 0.0)/100;
rotateamount = random(-2,2);
lastbullets = GetAttribute("uzib","Player");
if(tilttimer > self.time)
if(GetAttribute("uzib","Player") > lastbullets)
lastbullets = GetAttribute("uzib","Player");
} ]
(uzib=uzi bullets)
So, if it can activate a different Tiltcamera when you shoot a uzi, or a gun, etc...
Would it can activate some Fireproyectiles in dispersion? (fireproyectiles with random angles)
So, I will need an invisible pawn that goes just in front of the player, and, when it detects that you are shooting a shotgun, it fires a lot of proyectiles
BUT I have no idea to do scripts. I know some commands and the basic sintaxis, and a little of the logic you must use in them ( ) but, I can't write scripts...
Some, help please?
A lot of thanks