Why does it all happen on your Birthday?

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Why does it all happen on your Birthday?

Post by Agentarrow »

My Ex-Girlfriend and I stopped talking, Some of my best friends turned on me, I learned that I'm failing two classes, I'm exhausted, It just seems like everything came crashing down today. Once I get home from school (Only one more hour) I'm going to bed...
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Re: Why does it all happen on your Birthday?

Post by ardentcrest »

Two things.

1 : happy big day


2 : you are only 15, get use to it, This SH*T will happen all thou your life :twisted:
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Re: Why does it all happen on your Birthday?

Post by bernie »

Happy birthday
you are only 15, get use to it, This SH*T will happen all thou your life
Yep, totally agree only it does tend to get worse as you get older.
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Re: Why does it all happen on your Birthday?

Post by MakerOfGames »

First off, Happy Birthday! and sorry to hear you had a horrible day :( .

Now I'm going to continue with what the other have said, life isn't always easy or very nice. It has its ups and downs and doesn't care when it gives them to you. Don't stress too much over things or you'll lose your mind. Take what you're given and make the best of it. Unfortunately, things only get more difficult as you get older but as you grow and experience them it makes the next difficult task easier as you have made it through tough times already. Don't let these words depress you though, life isn't always out to get you. As a matter of fact there will be many times when it will be completely on your side ;). It's tough growing up, but you just have to keep on going 8) .

I can say all of this and I am only 20 years old :!:
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Re: Why does it all happen on your Birthday?

Post by Juutis »

What is this "life" you all speak of? Good thing I don't have one. Sounds like an awful amount troubles and stress. :shock:

On a more serious note, happy birthday. Enjoy it as much as you can. And ahh, the teen drama, everyone loves it. It's an integral part of those years. :)

I can say all of this and I am only 20 years old
I'm only 20 years old too, and all I can say is "what on earth have I wasted the last 20 years on?".
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Re: Why does it all happen on your Birthday?

Post by Agentarrow »

Thanks, and though my parents want me to stay at IA, With me failing two classes I may not have a choice. I hate school...

Another bit of teen drama: I got more happy birthdays from here than I did from people at school.
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Re: Why does it all happen on your Birthday?

Post by Trougedoor122 »

Juutis wrote:What is this "life" you all speak of? Good thing I don't have one. Sounds like an awful amount troubles and stress.
man your lucky, unfortunately, im not. :cry:
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Re: Why does it all happen on your Birthday?

Post by Agentarrow »

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real life is starting to catch up!
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Re: Why does it all happen on your Birthday?

Post by ardentcrest »

Agentarrow wrote: real life is starting to catch up!
Its when real life passes you by, that you know your FU**ED, and thats the time to go a steal some one else life. Theirs cant be as bad as yours. :D
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Re: Why does it all happen on your Birthday?

Post by jonas »

Oops... Missed it by a day. Happy birthday anyhow. Hopefully it wasn't too dreadful. Eh who say's we aren't real life??? Haha My life is more digital then it is real. :lol:

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Re: Why does it all happen on your Birthday?

Post by SV2.0 »

Way past late, but happy b-day, dude.
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Re: Why does it all happen on your Birthday?

Post by dylanwinn »

Tour situation was propably caused by a nasty rumor started by someone who hates you. You'll want to get your friends back, starting with your girlfriend. Tell them that you are sorry for anything you might have done, ask them why they are upset, and tell them not to believe any rumors. Even if they won't talk to you, they'll listen.

Ps! Hype on everything!

Happy delayed birthday!
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Re: Why does it all happen on your Birthday?

Post by Agentarrow »

dylanwinn wrote:Tour situation was propably caused by a nasty rumor started by someone who hates you. You'll want to get your friends back, starting with your girlfriend. Tell them that you are sorry for anything you might have done, ask them why they are upset, and tell them not to believe any rumors. Even if they won't talk to you, they'll listen.
It wouldn't surprise, my Ex's best friend hates me a lot.
and we broke up long before my birthday, back around september 25th
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Re: Why does it all happen on your Birthday?

Post by GMer »

When your life is at a high point, xerox it so you'll have a good copy!
But seriously... sorry about your horrible birthday... I have some of those types of days, but I just push through it (lucky for me, I have an autopilot-type-mood of sorts)
Happy Birthday!
Over 3 years (has it been that long?) and just now I noticed the day and month of my birthday were switched. Whoops!

Some 2d games I made, haven't made anything in a year though O.o
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Re: Why does it all happen on your Birthday?

Post by Agentarrow »

I want Autopilot!
Also, I ended up spendin the money I had saved for a while, combined with some birthday cash to get this new laptop. So far, I don't have any complaints about vista. I rather like it.
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