Here is a screenshot of an Ogre Scene Editor that I am looking into. I've been playing with it all week and it looks very good. It is real time WYSIWYG and does not require any compiling.
You can download it from here. You'll need the latest DX Runtime libraries for it to work. You can get those from here.
It is open source and could be modified to suit anyone's needs. One modification will be to integrate it with the scripting language and shell library.
Last edited by paradoxnj on Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason:Fixed download link
That looks nice. It looks a little too much like M$ office 2007 though in my opinion though. Looks like its easy to use though, so long as it is I like it. I haven't gotten a chance to look at it yet. I would say that to use prexisting software for an editor ,so long as it does what we need, is a good idea as it saves the time of having to code one from scratch. Now it requires latest DX libraries to work? What about Linux? Is this extension of Ogre a Windows only program?
Think outside the box.
To go on an adventure, one must discard the comforts and safety of the known and trusted.
What about Linux? Is this extension of Ogre a Windows only program?
Quoting from the FAQs on the Ogitor website
Is Ogitor a multi platform editor?
Currently the latest version uses the Fluent UI of (Microsofts) WPF for the GUI, but the core is written to be platform independent and jacmoe started on implementing an alternative GUI with wxWidget.
Ah ok, I trust that it will formulate to be cross platform then. One thing that I find to be a very important aspect of RF2 is its platform independence. If it can run on any platform, it will draw in an entire new crowd of game makers. As of now I don't know of any powerful game creation suite that can make games on any platform. If RF2 can have that, I think that it would become very popular.
Think outside the box.
To go on an adventure, one must discard the comforts and safety of the known and trusted.
RF2 will be Windows only for the first demo. The ultimate goal is cross-platform. We have it working on Linux and I am close to getting it working on Mac. The editor that this thread refers to is not cross is Windows only right now.
I was thinking about an in-game editor, but that will not be day one.
@ Paradoxnj
They are working on it now that editor core is cross platform, it's only the gui that is windows only and a new gui is in the process of being written by jacmoe to be cross platform. It will be totally cross platform within weeks.