The RF GUI Editor is a new attempt to get away from the tiring (and sometimes confusing) editing of the menu/hud/inventory INI files. The first version will "only" be able to edit menu files but later versions will add the functionality to edit the hud and inventory layout too. I've adopted many ideas of the menucreator project that steven8 started but unfortunately was not able to finish.
The basic workflow should be easy to grasp: First you define all resources (images, animations, sounds) by just browsing for the files you want to use, then you select the menu sections you want to appear in your menu and finally you add the available controls (buttons, check boxes etc) to each section. The controls can be dragged and dropped to their desired positions:
RF GUI Editor - First Look
- QuestOfDreams
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RF GUI Editor - First Look
- Attachments
- rfguieditor_1stlook_01.jpg (85.12 KiB) Viewed 4704 times
- rfguieditor_1stlook_02.jpg (61.85 KiB) Viewed 4704 times
- rfguieditor_1stlook_03.jpg (25.08 KiB) Viewed 4704 times
Re: RF GUI Editor - First Look
sweet, is there a dl yet?
Once I was sad, and I stopped being sad and was awesome instead.
True story.
True story.
Re: RF GUI Editor - First Look
It looks cool. I think it will be released with the next release of RF. Could you give an approximate time when the new release will come?
- QuestOfDreams
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Re: RF GUI Editor - First Look
No download yet, but there will be an Alpha version soon, so you can play around with it and make suggestions for improvements. The final version of the tool will probably be released prior to the next RF release.
- metal_head
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Re: RF GUI Editor - First Look
Wow, this looks pretty nice! Though I've finnished the work on my menu, this tool would ease my work a lot!
- QuestOfDreams
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Re: RF GUI Editor - First Look
So here ia an early alpha version of the GUI Editor for those who would like to see it in action. It is not feature complete yet, first and foremost you will notice that load/save and undo/redo is not implemented. Also animations are not done yet as well as some other minor features and there are some drawing/refreshing glitches. So don't say you weren't warned.
RF GUI Editor alpha1

RF GUI Editor alpha1
Re: RF GUI Editor - First Look
This is cool QOD! very nice work, and it will help a lot 

Greetings, Sorington