Problem with compile and preview
Re: RF Crashes when I Compile
what does that mean?
Re: level built....crashed along with rfeditor!!
okay so i get on rfedit pro and i start creating a level...i have a floor, four walls and a ceiling. i have an interior wall as well. then i have all three entitys in there...and then i go to build, compile and use all the default settings that are on there but also click on the preview button and then click compiles and asks if i want to preview and i say okay and it goes black like its gonna work then not...thats the process i have taken. I was reading the D3DDrv.log a minute ago though and it says:
THandle_CheckCache: Resetting texture cache...
NO 3dfx card detected, using larger number of handles...
does that mean anything or is that how its supposed to be? jw.
Does my explanation help in anyway?
THandle_CheckCache: Resetting texture cache...
NO 3dfx card detected, using larger number of handles...
does that mean anything or is that how its supposed to be? jw.
Does my explanation help in anyway?
Re: RF Crashes when I Compile
Do the .3dt files that come with RF work?
Re: level built....crashed along with rfeditor!!
Ok I think I can see the problem you are having.
I looked at your 3dt file you posted in the other thread and you have the header file directory setup incorrectly.
HeadersDir "C:\\Program Files\\RealityFactory\\media\\levels"
The headers directory should in your case be:
HeadersDir "C:\\Program Files\\RealityFactory\\source"
open your level in RfEditPro and go to Menu Project->LevelOptions
When the dialog opens change the headers directory by double clicking the existing path and change it to point at the source directory as above.
As Allanon pointed out in the other thread the level is a bit short in height but it compiles and runs ok for me.
Also take Allanons advice about making the levels it is good advice.
You have caused a lot of unecessary confusion by asking this question in a number of threads so in future please stick to one thread if you have a problem.
EDIT: New Topic created & merged by bernie
I looked at your 3dt file you posted in the other thread and you have the header file directory setup incorrectly.
HeadersDir "C:\\Program Files\\RealityFactory\\media\\levels"
The headers directory should in your case be:
HeadersDir "C:\\Program Files\\RealityFactory\\source"
open your level in RfEditPro and go to Menu Project->LevelOptions
When the dialog opens change the headers directory by double clicking the existing path and change it to point at the source directory as above.
As Allanon pointed out in the other thread the level is a bit short in height but it compiles and runs ok for me.
Also take Allanons advice about making the levels it is good advice.
You have caused a lot of unecessary confusion by asking this question in a number of threads so in future please stick to one thread if you have a problem.
EDIT: New Topic created & merged by bernie
Re: Problem with compile and preview
Hey bernie sorry about posting in double places...anyways i did what you said and now when i placed the entities in there and now they look red and i compiled them but it still did the same RF log now looks like this which looks the same:
and my rf.ini looks like this:
Code: Select all
Searching for fullscreen driver
Initializing Game Shell...
--- Reality Factory 0.76 ---
--- Build Date: May 25 2008, Time: 19:43:48 ---
--- For more Information, visit: ---
--- ---
Parsed RealityFactory.ini file
Genesis3D Initialized
[INFO] VFS detected (not encrypted)...
Initializing Camera Manager...
Initializing User Input Subsystem...
[WARNING] File open attempt failed on type '9', file '.\keyboard.ini'
Initializing Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing CD Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Midi Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing RF Menu Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Network...
Loading Menu.ini...
Parsing Menu.ini...
Loading Character.ini...
Initializing Menu
Initializing Collision Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Network Manager Subsystem...
Initializing AVIFile Video Subsystem...
Launching Reality Factory Game Shell...
Entering CRFMenu::DoMenu()
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Initializing Level: rfdemov1.bsp
Configuring Camera Defaults...
Initializing Entity Registry...
Initializing Terrain Manager...
Initializing Effects Manager...
Initializing Actor Manager...
Parsing Environment Setup Entity...
Initializing Model Manager...
Creating Player Avatar...
Loading Player Avatar...
Initializing HUD...
Initializing Damage Subsystem...
Initializing FixedCamera Manager Subsystem...
Loading Player Configuration...
Loading Attributes and Player Configuration from PlayerSetup.ini
Loading Environmental Audio
Parsing PlayerSetup Entity
Initialize Player Data
Parsing EnvironmentSetup Entity
Initializing Automatic Door Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Moving Platform Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Teleport Manager Subsystem...
Initializing MorphingField Effects Manager Subsystem...
Initializing 3d AudioSource Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Particle Effects Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Static Entity Props Subsystem...
Initializing Static Mesh Subsystem...
Initializing Soundtrack Toggle Subsystem...
Initializing Streaming Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Video Texture Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Corona Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Dynamic Light Manager Subsystem...
Initializing ElectricBolt Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Procedural Texture Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Path Database...
Initializing Path Followers...
Initializing Rain Effects Manager...
Initializing Spout Effects Manager...
Initializing ActorSpout Effects Manager...
Initializing Floating Particle Effects Manager...
Initializing eChaos Effects Manager...
Initializing Flame Effects Manager...
Initializing ScriptPoint Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Pawn Manager Subsystem...
Initializing ChangeAttribute Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Countdown Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Trigger Manager Subsystem...
Initializing LogicHandler Subsystem...
Initializing Message Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Effect Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Weapon Manager Subsystem...
Initializing FirePoint Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Flipbook Manager Subsystem...
Initializing AreaCheck Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Foliage Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Tree Manager Subsystem...
Initializing PWXImage Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Shadow Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Decal Manager Subsystem...
Initializing WallDecal Manager Subsystem...
Initializing LevelController Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Attribute Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Explosion Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Explosion Subsystem...
Initializing ChangeLevel Manager Subsystem...
Initializing ScreenShake Subsystem...
Initializing ViewSwitch Subsystem...
Initializing Inventory Subsystem...
Initializing Liquid Subsystem...
Initializing Overlay Subsystem...
Initializing TextureMorph Subsystem...
Initializing CutScene Subsystem...
Initializing ActorMaterial Subsystem...
Initializing Armour Subsystem...
Initializing LiftBelt Manager...
Initializing CDSpotlight Manager...
Initializing CurvedSurfaces Manager...
Initializing WindGenerator...
Initializing Fonts...
Preparing to Launch Game...
CRFMenu::GameLoop() - Setup and Run Level
CRFMenu::GameLevel() - Entering Inner Game Loop
Initializing Level: rfdemov1.bsp
Configuring Camera Defaults...
Initializing Entity Registry...
Initializing Terrain Manager...
Initializing Effects Manager...
Initializing Actor Manager...
Parsing Environment Setup Entity...
Initializing Model Manager...
Creating Player Avatar...
Loading Player Avatar...
Initializing HUD...
Initializing Damage Subsystem...
Initializing FixedCamera Manager Subsystem...
Loading Player Configuration...
Loading Attributes and Player Configuration from PlayerSetup.ini
Loading Environmental Audio
Parsing PlayerSetup Entity
Initialize Player Data
Parsing EnvironmentSetup Entity
Initializing Automatic Door Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Moving Platform Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Teleport Manager Subsystem...
Initializing MorphingField Effects Manager Subsystem...
Initializing 3d AudioSource Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Particle Effects Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Static Entity Props Subsystem...
Initializing Static Mesh Subsystem...
Initializing Soundtrack Toggle Subsystem...
Initializing Streaming Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Video Texture Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Corona Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Dynamic Light Manager Subsystem...
Initializing ElectricBolt Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Procedural Texture Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Path Database...
Initializing Path Followers...
Initializing Rain Effects Manager...
Initializing Spout Effects Manager...
Initializing ActorSpout Effects Manager...
Initializing Floating Particle Effects Manager...
Initializing eChaos Effects Manager...
Initializing Flame Effects Manager...
Initializing ScriptPoint Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Pawn Manager Subsystem...
Initializing ChangeAttribute Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Countdown Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Trigger Manager Subsystem...
Initializing LogicHandler Subsystem...
Initializing Message Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Effect Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Weapon Manager Subsystem...
Initializing FirePoint Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Flipbook Manager Subsystem...
Initializing AreaCheck Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Foliage Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Tree Manager Subsystem...
Initializing PWXImage Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Shadow Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Decal Manager Subsystem...
Initializing WallDecal Manager Subsystem...
Initializing LevelController Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Attribute Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Explosion Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Explosion Subsystem...
Initializing ChangeLevel Manager Subsystem...
Initializing ScreenShake Subsystem...
Initializing ViewSwitch Subsystem...
Initializing Inventory Subsystem...
Initializing Liquid Subsystem...
Initializing Overlay Subsystem...
Initializing TextureMorph Subsystem...
Initializing CutScene Subsystem...
Initializing ActorMaterial Subsystem...
Initializing Armour Subsystem...
Initializing LiftBelt Manager...
Initializing CDSpotlight Manager...
Initializing CurvedSurfaces Manager...
Initializing WindGenerator...
Initializing Fonts...
Preparing to Launch Game...
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Initializing Level: rftechv1.bsp
Configuring Camera Defaults...
Initializing Entity Registry...
Initializing Terrain Manager...
Initializing Effects Manager...
Initializing Actor Manager...
Parsing Environment Setup Entity...
Initializing Model Manager...
Creating Player Avatar...
Loading Player Avatar...
Initializing HUD...
Initializing Damage Subsystem...
Initializing FixedCamera Manager Subsystem...
Loading Player Configuration...
Loading Attributes and Player Configuration from PlayerSetup.ini
Loading Environmental Audio
Parsing PlayerSetup Entity
Initialize Player Data
Parsing EnvironmentSetup Entity
Initializing Automatic Door Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Moving Platform Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Teleport Manager Subsystem...
Initializing MorphingField Effects Manager Subsystem...
Initializing 3d AudioSource Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Particle Effects Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Static Entity Props Subsystem...
Initializing Static Mesh Subsystem...
Initializing Soundtrack Toggle Subsystem...
Initializing Streaming Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Video Texture Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Corona Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Dynamic Light Manager Subsystem...
Initializing ElectricBolt Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Procedural Texture Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Path Database...
Initializing Path Followers...
Initializing Rain Effects Manager...
Initializing Spout Effects Manager...
Initializing ActorSpout Effects Manager...
Initializing Floating Particle Effects Manager...
Initializing eChaos Effects Manager...
Initializing Flame Effects Manager...
Initializing ScriptPoint Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Pawn Manager Subsystem...
Initializing ChangeAttribute Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Countdown Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Trigger Manager Subsystem...
[WARNING] File .\CTriggers.cpp - Line 45: 'forbidden' Missing Model
Initializing LogicHandler Subsystem...
Initializing Message Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Effect Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Weapon Manager Subsystem...
Initializing FirePoint Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Flipbook Manager Subsystem...
Initializing AreaCheck Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Foliage Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Tree Manager Subsystem...
Initializing PWXImage Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Shadow Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Decal Manager Subsystem...
Initializing WallDecal Manager Subsystem...
Initializing LevelController Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Attribute Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Explosion Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Explosion Subsystem...
Initializing ChangeLevel Manager Subsystem...
Initializing ScreenShake Subsystem...
Initializing ViewSwitch Subsystem...
Initializing Inventory Subsystem...
Initializing Liquid Subsystem...
Initializing Overlay Subsystem...
Initializing TextureMorph Subsystem...
Initializing CutScene Subsystem...
Initializing ActorMaterial Subsystem...
Initializing Armour Subsystem...
Initializing LiftBelt Manager...
Initializing CDSpotlight Manager...
Initializing CurvedSurfaces Manager...
Initializing WindGenerator...
Initializing Fonts...
Preparing to Launch Game...
CRFMenu::GameLoop() - Setup and Run Level
CRFMenu::GameLevel() - Entering Inner Game Loop
Saving Attributes & Settings files...
Destroying Camera...
Shutting Down Reality Factory Game Shell...
Shutting Down AVIFile Video Subsystem...
Shutting Down Network Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Collision Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down RF Menu Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down CD Audio Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Midi Audio Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Audio Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down User Input Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Camera Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Graphics Subsystem...
Successful Shutdown
Code: Select all
; RealityFactory.INI - RealityFactory Initialization file
; Created by IniEditor
; GameName defines the name of the game
GameName=RealityFactory Demo
; PlayerName defines the name of the player
; PlayerAvatar defines the player actor
; Define the menu initialization file
; Define the virtual pack file
; Define the starting level
; Define the directories
; Set Weapon Positioning
; Set UseDialog
; Set ShowTrack
; Fullscreen tells the engine to go full-screen or not
; Width is the width of the game display
; Height is the height of the game display
; Driver tells the system which driver to use
; Use DirectInput (Joystick)
; Set UseCharSelect
; Set UseNameSelect
; Set UseDifficultLevel
; Set UseFirst
; Set UseCutScene
; SplashScreen defines the splash screen to use
; SplashAudio defines the splash screen audio to use
; CutScene defines the cut scene to use
; Set UseSecond
; Set UseCutScene1
; SplashScreen defines the splash screen to use
; SplashAudio defines the splash screen audio to use
; CutScene defines the cut scene to use
; Default Difficulty Level
; Default Language
; Use detailed logging
Last edited by QuestOfDreams on Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: put large text blocks into code blocks or use attachments
Reason: put large text blocks into code blocks or use attachments
Re: Problem with compile and preview
Allanon asked this question ... you did not reply.Do the .3dt files that come with RF work?
Do they work? & the Demos work?
- QuestOfDreams
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1520
- Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:12 pm
- Location: Austria
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Re: Problem with compile and preview
There's no use in posting the same log file twice ...
This log file obviously comes from a program run where you've played all 3 sample levels. I suppose when you're running your own level from the editor RF doesn't even get the chance of writing a new log file.
I suggest reinstalling RF directly to your C:\ drive (not the "Program files" folder). Then try to compile and preview (don't use the "view with engine" button!) the basic.3dt level that comes with RF. If that works you should be fine building your own levels.
PS: The "New Topic" button is at the left top/bottom of each forum. Don't double post and don't hijack other peoples threads. Post long text files as attachments or put them inside code blocks. I don't want to sound mean but if you can't use a forum properly then you will have a hard time making games ...

I suggest reinstalling RF directly to your C:\ drive (not the "Program files" folder). Then try to compile and preview (don't use the "view with engine" button!) the basic.3dt level that comes with RF. If that works you should be fine building your own levels.
PS: The "New Topic" button is at the left top/bottom of each forum. Don't double post and don't hijack other peoples threads. Post long text files as attachments or put them inside code blocks. I don't want to sound mean but if you can't use a forum properly then you will have a hard time making games ...
Re: Problem with compile and preview
okay the demo levels didn't work before so i decided to do what QuestofDreams suggested. I uninstalled RF and Reinstalled it in C:\RealityFactory. Okay and then i went to the rfedit pro and opened up the basic level and compiled it and it compiled but then it gives these errors saying it can't find verbisfile.dll...which is in that RF folder but its looking to find this in C:\DocumentsandSettings\RealityFactory and i am wondering y? anyways i copied all the dll. files it was looking for over there and compiled and hit to preview, and this time it just did the same thing as it always has, acted like it was loading and then didn't load. was there anything i was supposed to do after reinstalling it?
Re: Problem with compile and preview
Are you running a particularly slow computer? Alo did you uninstall your old version of RF?
Once I was sad, and I stopped being sad and was awesome instead.
True story.
True story.
Re: Problem with compile and preview
im running at 1.79 GHz Xp computer. is that slow? Iv also done what QuestofDreams said to do on a machine thats 2GHz and it did the same thing. or do u think i have older drivers or not as good? i dont think its the drivers cuz i read in some forum that someone liked using Win 2000 which probably didn't have as good drivers as current computers...Anyways i dont understand why there are only a limited few that are having this problem. JW.
Re: Problem with compile and preview
That shouldn't be slow enough to be a problem
Once I was sad, and I stopped being sad and was awesome instead.
True story.
True story.
Re: Problem with compile and preview
yea but just incase ill try it on a different computer with a different graphics card and see if that helps any. thanks though
Re: Problem with compile and preview
It's not drivers. I run on win2k no problems at all & I understand it will also run on win98SE. Try Downloading again and installing clean (that is remove current versions from your machine before reinstalling). You might also try changing the driver settings with the video setup tool in the tools folder and set to opengl.
Re: Problem with compile and preview
Okay so i did what you said...i uninstalled RF and then downloaded it again from this site and then reinstalled it. Then i opened up the basic level and tried it again, but it did the same i went to the tools folder in RF to look for the video setup and changed it but it to openGL but it still didn't work.
Last edited by nesbom on Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Problem with compile and preview
What exactly is not working? It seems a little odd that hundreds if not thousands of people have downloaded this, installed it and got it to work the first time and you cannot.
Many Bothans died to bring you this signature....