Why delete such a good post?

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Why delete such a good post?

Post by Gamespider »

Hey QOD, why did u delete pickels' post about gekido design group, BV and all?

Post by Guest »

It was getting too interesting, I think. Maybe Dan and Mike could go
head-to-head with Quest's Quake 3 deathmatch game.
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it was requested by several parties

Post by gekido »

QoD had a request to delete the thread, which I agreed with. It was better to delete the entire thread - there was too much confidential information there that should have never been posted online.

If anyone has ANY questions or comments that they would like to actually communicate about in a civilized manner, you all have my email:


When you are talking about corporations that have hundreds of thousands (or millions) of dollars invested in their Intellectual Property, having a public spitting match does no good to anyone but lawyers.

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Post by steven8 »

That thread needed to go. Dan was stepping over boundaries that could cause more trouble than he'd really want to face. Much as I like Dan, it was disappointing to see how quickly so many people were anxious to turn on Mike.

Much as I've loved RF, Alan and I are trying to see about getting the cash together to buy a license to BV when they beome available. we both have projects in mind that could benefit from it greatly. The screens are just beautiful.
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Post by ZenBudha »

Well I wouldn't say anyone "turned" on Gekido. I think everyone was just wondering if it was true or not.

Sounds more like it was a misunderstanding along with some personal conflicts.

Yet it was shocking to say the least. Heck I know how a personal issue can get out of hand.

Unless my foggy memory serves me wrong there was a time when I was at odds with both Gekido, and Pickles. From what started as a political thread, then went into slinging accusations about RF, and even got to the point of throwing personal accusations which is really silly between people that don't know one another.

I don't know about everyone else but I learned a long time ago that unless I know the facts never to jump in the middle of a dispute.

Also I think that what got most people interested in that thread wasn't the dispute but the talk of modern open soucre engine. It got off topic on that for nearly the entire thread.
Fear not the textures for the almighty stylus is with thee - Book of Zen

Post by Guest »

I wasn't stepping over any boundaries. The truth never does that. Gekido is the one who thinks he has the slightest idea what the company I work for is doing. (He has no clue) He's the one talking about imaginary millions. He's the one that will have a lawyer put him in his place if he opens his mouth.

The post got deleted at the request of a third party, not me or Gekido and it was becasue Gekido started talking his usually crap about what he thinks he knows. (Which is nothing)

Whatever, I've got no more time for him or this thread. He proved everything I said with his own posts and actions.
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Post by QuestOfDreams »

I've deleted the topic for a good reason. Not only was I asked to remove certain informations from the thread but there also wouldn't have arised anything good from it.
I've splitted some of the posts to new topics (RF Pro, Nebula2).
If you want to discuss other engines than Genesis3d/RF you're free to do so.
However this topic is closed and will stay closed - accept it or not.
