Poof and my webpage is gone!

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Poof and my webpage is gone!

Post by ZenBudha »

:evil: This erks me as it seems my webpage has vanished. When I check my ftp server I can see all my pages, and files but the link is dead.

Being a free account I get no e-mail tech support only their support forums. Which never ever have a tech guy pop in to help anyone.

I had advertised my site with various search engines recently. And my hits were going up pushing 1000. Perhaps they thought if my site mysteriously went offline I would upgrade to a payment hosting plan.

However I make no money off my website so I'm not going to throw money in the trash.

However this means my two tutorials are gone from the net. Which was the only real meat content my site had anyway. Unless people were just in awe of staring at my amateur models. lol.
Fear not the textures for the almighty stylus is with thee - Book of Zen
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Post by Handless »

If you need a temporary place to put your stuff I can upload everything to something.metsu.net till you get your links working again ( I bet it was the bandwidth ), or I can recommend you a good hosting plan? I think I already mentioned it on these forums somewhere.

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Post by ZenBudha »

Thanks for the offer Handless. I found another free service that seems ok.

Plus I will be getting cable modem tomorrow so it won't be a pain for me to upload everything.

I've been considering going to a nice clean pay hosting. However that is only if I can find a way to at least have the site pay for itself or at least 50/50. Otherwise $120 a year for a poor guy like me is a lot to throw at a site that makes no money.

I guess I could add a paypal donate button to my site but does anybody actually ever donate? lol. It would just be for those who actually get some use out of the site like tutorials.

Of course I've considered doing some high quality RF content packs, and offering them for a small price. I dunno the legalities of that or how it would go over. Perhaps I should have a poll and see what people think about it.
Fear not the textures for the almighty stylus is with thee - Book of Zen
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Post by Coty »

I use MS11.net and another one "no banners" is http://port5.com/

I like ms11, and probably going to keep it. For about 30 dollars a year, it gives you 50 meg space and a whole lot of bandwidth. Portland is not good at all for pay, but for completely free, it's ok, low bandwith though.
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Post by ZenBudha »

Ok I've got it back up at...


It's about like what I had just 100mb limit instead of 125mb. 3gb bandwidth limit and banners.
Fear not the textures for the almighty stylus is with thee - Book of Zen
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