Preview in RF doesnt work
Preview in RF doesnt work
I ve tried to make all the necessery settings discussed here in other posts but I cant get the preview in RealFactory to work. I just get the black screen for a few seconds as if it was going to start then it just returns to the editor.
I have attached all the relevant files.
I tried to attache the files but I get "The extension log is not allowed", "The extension 3dt is not allowed"
Any help is appreciated.
I have attached all the relevant files.
I tried to attache the files but I get "The extension log is not allowed", "The extension 3dt is not allowed"
Any help is appreciated.
Re: Preview in RF doesnt
This is the 3dchache.log file
Code: Select all
Date: 6/28/2009, Time: 18:56
Cache Name: Main Texture Cache
Total Mem: 179280278
Free Mem: 179280278
--- Slots ---
Width: 128, Height 128, Mips: 1, Stage: 0, Ref: 2, Used: 2
Width: 64, Height 64, Mips: 1, Stage: 0, Ref: 3, Used: 3
Width: 32, Height 32, Mips: 1, Stage: 0, Ref: 3, Used: 3
Width: 16, Height 16, Mips: 1, Stage: 0, Ref: 5, Used: 5
Width: 128, Height 128, Mips: 1, Stage: 0, Ref: 2, Used: 2
Width: 8, Height 8, Mips: 1, Stage: 0, Ref: 3, Used: 3
Width: 4, Height 4, Mips: 1, Stage: 0, Ref: 2, Used: 2
Width: 2, Height 2, Mips: 1, Stage: 0, Ref: 2, Used: 2
Width: 256, Height 256, Mips: 1, Stage: 0, Ref: 1, Used: 1
Total Ref: 23, Total Used: 23
Date: 6/28/2009, Time: 18:57
Cache Name: Main Texture Cache
Total Mem: 179280278
Free Mem: 179280278
--- Slots ---
Width: 512, Height 512, Mips: 1, Stage: 0, Ref: 4, Used: 4
Width: 256, Height 256, Mips: 1, Stage: 0, Ref: 4, Used: 4
Width: 128, Height 128, Mips: 1, Stage: 0, Ref: 4, Used: 4
Width: 64, Height 64, Mips: 1, Stage: 0, Ref: 4, Used: 4
Total Ref: 16, Total Used: 16
Date: 6/28/2009, Time: 18:57
Cache Name: Main Texture Cache
Total Mem: 179280278
Free Mem: 179280278
--- Slots ---
Width: 512, Height 512, Mips: 1, Stage: 0, Ref: 1, Used: 1
Width: 256, Height 256, Mips: 1, Stage: 0, Ref: 1, Used: 1
Width: 128, Height 128, Mips: 1, Stage: 0, Ref: 1, Used: 1
Width: 64, Height 64, Mips: 1, Stage: 0, Ref: 1, Used: 1
Total Ref: 4, Total Used: 4
Re: Preview in RF doesnt
Here is the d3ddrv.log file
I noticed the date is wrong, it should be 7-1-2009 I checked my comp clock and it is correct.
I noticed the date is wrong, it should be 7-1-2009 I checked my comp clock and it is correct.
Code: Select all
D3DDrv v100.3
Build Date: May 24 2008, Time: 13:15:45
Current Time: 0: 9:23
Current Date: 7- 2-2009
** D3D Driver Initializing **
--- D3DMain_CreateDDFromName ---
Name: Primary Display Driver
--- D3DMain_GetTextureMemory ---
Ram free: 257302528
--- D3DMain_RememberOldMode ---
--- D3DMain_EnumDisplayModes ---
--- D3DMain_CreateD3D ---
--- D3DMain_EnumDevices ---
--- D3DMain_SetDisplayMode ---
W: 800, H: 600, Bpp: 32, FullScreen: YES
--- D3DMain_PickDevice ---
--- D3DMain_CreateBuffers ---
Back Buffer Count = 1
--- D3DMain_CreateZBuffer ---
EnumZBufferFormats: StencilBitDepth>=8... can do 8bit stencil buffer
ZBuffer Depth Available: 16-bit (YES), 24-bit (YES), 32-bit (NO),
ZBuffer Depth: 16, ZBuffer in Video: YES
--- D3DMain_CreateDevice ---
Vender ID = 4318
Device ID = 545
--- D3DMain_CreateViewPort ---
--- D3DMain_GetSurfaceFormats ---
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:7c00, G:3e0, B:1f / 16, U:7c00, V:3e0, L:1f / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:8000, R:7c00, G:3e0, B:1f / 16, U:7c00, V:3e0, L:1f / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:f000, R:f00, G:f0, B:f / 16, U:f00, V:f0, L:f / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:f800, G:7e0, B:1f / 16, U:f800, V:7e0, L:1f / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:ff0000, G:ff00, B:ff / 32, U:ff0000, V:ff00, L:ff / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 32, A:ff000000, R:ff0000, G:ff00, B:ff / 32, U:ff0000, V:ff00, L:ff / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:ff, G:ff00, B:0 / 16, U:ff, V:ff00, L:0 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:1f, G:3e0, B:fc00 / 16, U:1f, V:3e0, L:fc00 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:ff, G:ff00, B:ff0000 / 32, U:ff, V:ff00, L:ff0000 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:31545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:32545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:33545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:34545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:35545844 Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:8, G:ffffff00, B:ff Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:8, G:ffffff00, B:ff Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:ff0000, G:ff00, B:ff Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:ff0000, G:ff00, B:ff Texture Support Found
D3DMain_GetSurfaceFormats: Unable to find a 888 (24-bit) texture support.
D3DMain_GetSurfaceFormats: Unable to find 888 (24-bit) bump map support.
--- D3DMain_SetRenderState ---
--- D3DMain_GetTextureMemory ---
Ram free: 256245760
** Initialization was successful **
Re: Preview in RF doesnt
You must compile the level
Re: Preview in RF doesnt
Thanks Zidane
I did compile it, here's the compilation report, hope you can help me.
I did compile it, here's the compilation report, hope you can help me.
Code: Select all
** BSP Compile Version: 15
** Build Date/Time: Jan 31 2005,06:32:56
--- Load Brush File ---
Num Solid Brushes : 25
Num Cut Brushes : 0
Num Hollow Cut Brushes : 0
Num Detail Brushes : 0
Num Total Brushes : 25
--- Remove Hidden Leafs ---
--- Remove Hidden Leafs ---
--- Weld Model Verts ---
--- Fix Model TJunctions ---
--- CreateLeafClusters ---
--- Save Portal File ---
--- Create Area Leafs ---
--- Save GBSP File ---
Num Models : 1, 80
Num Nodes : 224, 9856
Num Solid Leafs : 25, 1500
Num Total Leafs : 225, 13500
Num Clusters : 200, 800
Num Areas : 1, 8
Num Area Portals : 0, 0
Num Leafs Sides : 343, 2744
Num Planes : 260, 5200
Num Faces : 343, 12348
Num Leaf Faces : 516, 2064
Num Vert Index : 1762, 7048
Num Verts : 549, 6588
Num FaceInfo : 9, 576
Num Textures : 3, 156
Motion Data Size : 40
Tex Data Size : 147459
--- Vis GBSP File ---
Loading Portal File : C:\Program Files\RealityFactory\media\levels\dad01.GPF
NumPortals : 1488
Starting to Vis all Leafs
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 0
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 1
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 2
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 3
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 4
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 5
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 6
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 7
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 8
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 9
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 10
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 11
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 12
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 13
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 14
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 15
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 16
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 17
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 18
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 19
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 20
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 21
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 22
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 23
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 24
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 25
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 26
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 27
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 28
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 29
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 30
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 31
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 32
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 33
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 34
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 35
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 36
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 37
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 38
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 39
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 40
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 41
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 42
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 43
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 44
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 45
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 46
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 47
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 48
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 49
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 50
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 51
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 52
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 53
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 54
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 55
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 56
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 57
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 58
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 59
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 60
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 61
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 62
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 63
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 64
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 65
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 66
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 67
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 68
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 69
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 70
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 71
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 72
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 73
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 74
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 75
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Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 89
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 90
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 91
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 92
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 93
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 94
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 95
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 96
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 97
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 98
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 99
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 100
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 101
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 102
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 103
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 104
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 105
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 106
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 107
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 108
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 109
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 110
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 111
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Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 118
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 119
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 120
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 121
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 122
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 123
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 124
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Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 126
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Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 129
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Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 132
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Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 140
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Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 142
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 143
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 144
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Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 146
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 147
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 148
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 149
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 150
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 151
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 152
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 153
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 154
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Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 168
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 169
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 170
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 171
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 172
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 173
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 174
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 175
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 176
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 177
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 178
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 179
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 180
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 181
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 182
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 183
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 184
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 185
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 186
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 187
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 188
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 189
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 190
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 191
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 192
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 193
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 194
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 195
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 196
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 197
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 198
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 199
Total visible areas : 37559
Average visible from each area: 187
FileName C:\Program Files\RealityFactory\media\levels\dad01.bsp
--- Radiosity GBSP File ---
Num Faces : 343
Num Normal Lights : 0
Num RGB only Lights : 0
Num RGB Always Visible Lights : 0
Num Suns with fallofftype 0 : 0
Skipping RWM Gouraud coloring 1762 RGB faces (Full Vis only)
Light Data Size : 28669
Num Light Maps : 343
Compile successfully completed
Re: Preview in RF doesnt
Ot,s correct. You must active the check box "Preview" in the compile window
Re: Preview in RF doesnt
The check box is activated each time I run the compile and still it just goes from a black screen right back to the editor.Zidane wrote:Ot,s correct. You must active the check box "Preview" in the compile window
Re: Preview in RF doesnt
this is a screen cap of my compile dialog box
- Attachments
- realityfact-compile.JPG
- (68.72 KiB) Not downloaded yet
Re: Preview in RF doesnt
Hello jnam. Welcome to the forums!
Could you post the RealityFactory.log in the main folder? When there is a problem, most of the time you can figure out what's wrong by looking at the Compile log or the RealityFactory.log. Your compile options seem ok to me.

Could you post the RealityFactory.log in the main folder? When there is a problem, most of the time you can figure out what's wrong by looking at the Compile log or the RealityFactory.log. Your compile options seem ok to me.
Everyone can see the difficult, but only the wise can see the simple.
Re: Preview in RF doesnt work
use videosetup.exe to set your graphics options properly. That might fix the problem.
Re: Preview in RF doesnt work
This is all there was in the RF.log
Doesnt look right, obviously.
Where do I find the videosetup.exe?
Code: Select all
Searching for fullscreen driver
Where do I find the videosetup.exe?
Re: Preview in RF doesnt work
It should be in the RealityFactory main folder. The one in which the RealityFactory.exe also is. VideoSetup.exe would be your best bet to get RealityFactory running.
Everyone can see the difficult, but only the wise can see the simple.
Re: Preview in RF doesnt work
Found it, ran it, tried all settings but still nothing
Re: Preview in RF doesnt work
I am updating my video driver, I have an INVIDIA 2000 I think its an openGL not sure thought, will try again after I install the updates.
Re: Preview in RF doesnt work
Here is the rf.log after I installed the update to my video driver.
When I compile and run preview the screen goes vlack and flickers several times but looks like it takes longer then I get a "program crash" alert. I press dont send and it returns me to the editor.
When I compile and run preview the screen goes vlack and flickers several times but looks like it takes longer then I get a "program crash" alert. I press dont send and it returns me to the editor.
Code: Select all
Searching for fullscreen driver
Initializing Game Shell...
--- Reality Factory 0.76 ---
--- Build Date: May 25 2008, Time: 19:43:48 ---
--- For more Information, visit: ---
--- ---
Parsed RealityFactory.ini file
Genesis3D Initialized
[INFO] VFS detected (not encrypted)...
Initializing Camera Manager...
Initializing User Input Subsystem...
[WARNING] File open attempt failed on type '9', file '.\keyboard.ini'
Initializing Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing CD Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Midi Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing RF Menu Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Network...
Loading Menu.ini...
Parsing Menu.ini...