bunch of problems :(

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bunch of problems :(

Post by Gamemaker »

SAD !!!

First problem :
the first trigger works WITH sound, second trigger doesn't play sound, third does the same. What should it be ?

Second problem :
posted in RF Scripting as "?? script problem"

Third problem:
my cursor in menu is not alphaed. It like doesn't load alpha bitmap for it, so my cursor has a square shape. When I change graphics to 16bit, the curor is alpahed, but then the textures and everything actually look UGLY. UGLY UGLY UGLY. UGLY! .

I'm so furious...
and sad...

I was even thinking of stopping my project because I have so many problems...
Like Juutis said: "Seems like RF is acting up again!" :)
Any help plz ?
Ty guys.

- Sander
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Re: bunch of problems :(

Post by QuestOfDreams »

1) Seems like your using the same model for all 3 triggers. That's a no-go cause the trigger manager only searches for the first trigger in the its list, processes it and returns happily.You may use logic gates in this case ... Or is it a different problem? -> viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1192

2) please don't cross post; if your not sure that it is a bug then it's probably not...

3) Firstly, I can hardly imagine that a cursor looks bad with 16 bit colors, after all it's usally a pretty small image ... :?: Secondly, it probably depends on the driver you're using (d3d, d3d16, opengl?) and lastly the rendering of the GUI (this includes the mouse cursor) will change in the next version of RF.
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Re: bunch of problems :(

Post by Gamemaker »

1)Sorry for all mistakes I made..
but I was not using same model for all triggers. My bad man! First is testroomactivate, second is testroomactivate2, third is testroomactivate3


3)I tried all driver settings. OpenGL turned picture upside-down. But cursor worked correctly.
Regular Direct3D was the best, because screen was on its right side and cursor worked, BUT this driver can run only in 16Bit so all the textures looked bad (background and anything like that too)...
Faster Direct3D is worst, because cursor wont work at all, with 16 or 32BIT.. but everything else is OK...

Sorry, but I got no help :(
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