How can I apply different lighting to differnt levels?

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How can I apply different lighting to differnt levels?

Post by BigJohn »

I realize the title makes it really newbie sounding but I need some help. I am planning on using different "worlds" for a game I'm designing but I can't seem to figure out how to change the lighting configurations for each, which is to have a level that's pretty dark and only uses lighting entities to illuminate the path (like the pirate frigate in Metroid Prime), while another will be well lit and be used as an outdoor arena beneath a skydome (like the public execution in Star Wars 2). I read the manual but I think I might have missed something so can you tell me if it's already written there and how to solve the problem?
Thanks in advance!
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Re: How can I apply different lighting to differnt levels?

Post by QuestOfDreams »

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