Ok. A new upload and a slightly newer version. The generated files seem to work so far (I tested at least the control.ini), even if they look a bit strange in the windows txt editor (it writes it all into a single line). Scite (=RFScriptEdit), as i said, gets my interpretation of the newlines, as does RF (which is the most important)
Pawn.ini and Player.ini let you add a new block (you must first click on "Add ...", the current block can be seen in the field in the bottom right), while in Control.ini and RealityFactory.ini the changes to the code window are immeadiate. You still have to save. When you changed a ini file, RFIniEditor will ask you if you want to save it when you close it.
You can also edit the code directly. (You would have to do this if you wanted to delete a newly added Pawn definiton, for example) To allow this, you must untick the checkbox 'Lock File Editing' in the Preferences Tab. The IniEditor also puts out basic warnings, like "You didn't enter a name for the pawn definition" if you try to add a pawn definition without a name.
http://www.mediafire.com/file/zqijj2jj2 ... r_V32a.rar
To run it you need to have the Net framework installed on your computer. A quick search in google should send you to where it is. The newer operating systems (Vista and Windows 7) have it already installed, as i've read.
You should unzip it into the tools folder, other folders cause problems at the time being.
As i said, it is best to make a backup of your ini files before. I think i am going to add a 'backup the ini files' feature in later versions.
Critics would be nice if you use it, darksmaster.
@Allanon: I ended up just using '\n' which represents a newline. The problem is not exactly solved, but the files work, so at the moment this issue is only a cosmetic one - never change a running system.

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