A research base has stopped communications for some odd reason. Since pirate raids are very common, a special forces team is sent. Stars out with an orbital drop (I have a script for this one), where player must avoid debris, and keep their speed down.
After this, the player must find the other 10 or so members of the special forces squad. (The player starts in a crater)
The commander of the two fire teams (a squad usually has 2 fireteams of 4-5 people, with a leader), he is 10 feet tall. Most of the suit is robotic (he lost his limbs after being trapped in a -space- battle ship without power. Cold has that effect on people.)

Yes, I couldn't find any white paper

You start out in a ravine, where exhaust is spewed. I need to work on the textures and sky here!

yes, you have to crawl through pipes.

One of the base defenses: a turret that needs textures!

Another will be an aerial fighter (similar to a HK from terminator), and a arthropod-like robot.
After this, the player (and the rest of the squad) fan out and turn off the base defenses, then enter the main facility of the base. The base seems to be on lock down...