Gave my Website a face lift...
Gave my Website a face lift...
Just trying to spruce it up as usual and make it look more professional.
Comments are more than welcome.
Comments are more than welcome.
Fear not the textures for the almighty stylus is with thee - Book of Zen
I suggest you to move the whole site to a new free no ads host. This really will make your site look better and more professional.
Considering that your site is plain html you have several opportunities:
In italy we have Altervista. No mySQL database but 100mb, php and no ads at all!
Alternatively you can use funpic. (or .de if you country isn't accepted for hosting) 100mb, 1 database, php and no ads! If you have problems to transfer your site or you don't know how I can help you...
Your site is simple, perhaps too dark but pretty so excuse me, but 125mb is sincerely terrific with all that ads, and 100webspace isn't better!
Considering that your site is plain html you have several opportunities:
In italy we have Altervista. No mySQL database but 100mb, php and no ads at all!
Alternatively you can use funpic. (or .de if you country isn't accepted for hosting) 100mb, 1 database, php and no ads! If you have problems to transfer your site or you don't know how I can help you...
Your site is simple, perhaps too dark but pretty so excuse me, but 125mb is sincerely terrific with all that ads, and 100webspace isn't better!
or these guys. haven't used them but they seem pretty cool. not a lot of space on free accounts though. i might have found them somewhere on the rf forum...
oh yeah... the site's cool. words are a little tough to read though. maybe not as dark of a background?
oh yeah... the site's cool. words are a little tough to read though. maybe not as dark of a background?
Yeah I want to have a downloads section as well. I am probably just going to have to break down and pay for a website.
For now though 1 banner and 100mb of space is acceptable. Even though is does somewhat clash with the site.
I came up with this website too. I think I like it better as this one is all me, and the last was done with a tutorial.

For now though 1 banner and 100mb of space is acceptable. Even though is does somewhat clash with the site.
I came up with this website too. I think I like it better as this one is all me, and the last was done with a tutorial.

Fear not the textures for the almighty stylus is with thee - Book of Zen
Wow your really putting that gear to good use aren't you? The pict looks nice! Are you planning on doing that to your site? I like the style, it caught my attention.
Focused, hard work is the real key to success. Keep your eyes on the goal, and just keep taking the next step towards completing it. If you aren't sure which way to do something, do it both ways and see which works better. - John Carmack
Focused, hard work is the real key to success. Keep your eyes on the goal, and just keep taking the next step towards completing it. If you aren't sure which way to do something, do it both ways and see which works better. - John Carmack
Well I've re-done the gradients so it blends a little better. But yeah I think I'm going to wind up doing my whole site like that.
Will take me awhile to get it all done as well as get all of my newer stuff uploaded.
Here's a new shot...

Will take me awhile to get it all done as well as get all of my newer stuff uploaded.
Here's a new shot...

Fear not the textures for the almighty stylus is with thee - Book of Zen
Ok I finally totally redid my front page. This will be the style I will do the entire page in and it has changed. The above templates I liked but were a bit too soft. Plus it would have been an extreme pain trying to integrate that look throughout the pages.
However I think my new style looks simpler yet better and has a metal carbone fibre look to it.
The only revision I might make is to grundge it up a bit.
Also the address has changed to one without ads at...
However if you click the old link it will redirect you to the new page. Beginning work on the rest of the pages now so the whole site should be grooving along pretty soon.
However I think my new style looks simpler yet better and has a metal carbone fibre look to it.
The only revision I might make is to grundge it up a bit.
Also the address has changed to one without ads at...
However if you click the old link it will redirect you to the new page. Beginning work on the rest of the pages now so the whole site should be grooving along pretty soon.
Fear not the textures for the almighty stylus is with thee - Book of Zen
Ah HAH! I've discovered your deep dark secret... On Target Productions, your on the Garage Games community too.... I was looking at your gui resource thread thingy... And the plan mentioned On Target Games.. hmmm maybe a coincidence, maybe not...
Re-read he's calling his "On Target Games" and mine is "On Target Productions"
So nope it's not me. I hve played around with the Torque demo though and I am listed on their Forums under Zen_Budha (I go by that handle everywhere).
However when it came right down to it Torque requires code which = me running for cover. lol.
So nope it's not me. I hve played around with the Torque demo though and I am listed on their Forums under Zen_Budha (I go by that handle everywhere).
However when it came right down to it Torque requires code which = me running for cover. lol.
Fear not the textures for the almighty stylus is with thee - Book of Zen
Script is kind of a necessary evil, but C++ I just can't grasp.
Anyway got the new worn look page up. Check it out if you will it's not so plain metal looking.
Edit: Gallery page is also updated now with the new look. Will probably end up making it into several pages so I can add my new artwork to it.
Anyway got the new worn look page up. Check it out if you will it's not so plain metal looking.
Edit: Gallery page is also updated now with the new look. Will probably end up making it into several pages so I can add my new artwork to it.
Fear not the textures for the almighty stylus is with thee - Book of Zen