the short story is that i can't figure out why my melee weapon doesn't register as hitting the enemy. I have to get really really close to the enemy for it to register. The weapon i am using is a crowbar attached to a disembodied arm. I added the arm so that the crowbar would have reach without it floating mysteriously in space. what i need to know is just exactly how RF figures out if the enemy has been hit.
when i was unable to damage the enemy until i move in really close, i assumed that it only detects if the bones of the model collide with the enemy bounding box or something like that, since the bones ended at the hand, and there were no bones in the crowbar. so I added a bunch of bones that follow the shape of the crowbar, but that didn't work either. like i said, i looked all over, but there is virtually no info on melee weapons, everything is shooter oriented.
here's a screenshot of my weapon:

as you can see, i have alot of bones running up the length of the crowbar. however, if it helps, i'll mention that none of them have anything assigned to them. the four key bones (upperarm, forearm, hand, and crowbar) are the only ones that have anything attached to them. maybe this is the problem? also, about where the hand meets the crowbar is how close i have to get to hurt the enemy. at this range, the enemy tears you to pieces.
here's the weapon definition:
; Crowbar
type = weapon
slot = 0
firerate = 0.5
catagory = melee
attribute = enemy_health
damage = 15
altdamage = 15
attacksound = swing.wav
hitsound = damage.wav
emptysound = swing.wav
meleeexplosion = GeneralExplosion
meleeammoactivate = false
; 1st person
viewactor = Weapon\v_crowbar.act
viewfillcolor = 255 255 255
viewambientcolor = 255 255 255
viewrotation = -50 -270 0
viewoffset = 9.30 -35.30 -5.30
viewscale = 1
viewanimationspeed = 1.2
viewarmanim = Idle
viewidleanim = Idle
viewattackanim = Attack1
viewaltattackanim = Attack2
viewhitanim = Attack1
viewalthitanim = Attack2
viewwalkanim = Idle
crosshair = hud\reticle.bmp
crosshairalpha = hud\a_reticle.bmp
crosshairfixed = false
allowlitcrosshair = true
crosshairlitcolor = 255 0 0
bobamount = 10
viewreloadanim = Idle
viewkeyreloadanim = Idle
viewattackemptyanim = Idle
environmentmapping = false
allmaterial = false
percentmapping = 0
percentmaterial = 0
any help would be appreciated. i don't want to waste anymore time trying to guess what the problem is, so i hope someone can tell me.