Attaching armor

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Attaching armor

Post by Veleran »

Is there a way to attach armor to the standard player and the armor to animate along the player like the weapons do
whenever you select for use the armor in the inventory?
I want to be sure the armor will animate (its skeleton will be the same with the players).

Must i have a pawn type for each armor,all armor attributes placed somewhere in the level and use a trigger type use item?
Does the lowlevel command SetUseItem have to do with the standard player or is it just for pawns?

Must the armor actor be positioned at the same place and orientation with the playerstart,or it would teleport to the player position when it is attached?
If it cant be done,i will export the player and armor models in the same nfo and keys.
In this case i could use material change triggered by logic gate type use item.

i planned to have the player start without armor.If i can t attach the armor mesh,then i ll give a free armor at start
because the players mesh shape will look like you re having armor.
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Re: Attaching armor

Post by QuestOfDreams »

There's a script method to attach actors to the player (and other actors) so that they move and animate the same way as the master actor (AttachAccessory). However, there's currently (RF 0.76.1) no way to detect the selection of armour in the inventory. This will change in the next version as the inventory will be controlled by a script.
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