Some RF2 Models

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Some RF2 Models

Post by Veleran »

Last edited by Veleran on Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Some RF2 Models

Post by bernie »

Well the Pictures look great and the textures are fab BUT there are no meshes or material files in The only mesh is a terrain example mesh.
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Re: Some RF2 Models

Post by Veleran »

I updated it,thanks for telling me.You can try them again. ... ree/561881

Tell me what you think,and even better post a link to some in game screenshot with some trees behind,whenever you can.
I cant do that because i am still using rf and these would render normal bump seams in rf.(unless i sink the seam to the ground)

I set it to export materials,yet did nt export material files unless i export the maps too.
But even then,max renames and prefixes the maps according to the map slot name i use,and re-samples all maps to the same size.

So,to export materials i would have to export each stone as separate to have the right texture size,and all the stones with the lod are 15.
So,it is easier to look what name a stone has and load the maps that have its name.

When i export much less objects i export obj materials too.

If you re interested,i put some bones also,they are not huge.



Image ... del/562326

And a leafless tree
Image ... y-1/562095

The objects are medium detailed but i hope they are useful,somebody might make a good game mod or a level and put them in.

Tell me if i forgot to upload again any files.
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Re: Some RF2 Models

Post by paradoxnj »

Nice work Veleran!! :)
Many Bothans died to bring you this signature....
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Re: Some RF2 Models

Post by bernie »

Your modelling and texturing work is excellent and i would dearly like to try them but the stone pack for obj has now been removed altogether.
I can't load any of your ogre meshes into any ogre based program I have they all crash. I have tried GameDirector (our own project) and it crashes if I try to load one, Equity cannot load them, Ogitor crashes if have one of your meshes in the model folder. Neoaxis crashes if it try to load one, the ogre/xml converter also crashes if I try to use that and ceguimeshviewer crashes if i try to load one. So there appears to be a problem with your ogre mesh exporter.
You could try exporting as 3ds files and maybe then we could look at them.
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Re: Some RF2 Models

Post by Veleran »

It is for version 1.8 and i can see the models in Ogremeshy viewer.You could find and try that.
Is it possible to view the models there but crash anywhere else while having the correct version?
I dont know much about the subject.

I am not yet sure the mesh files dont work.The exporter produces some type of files like .mesh skeleton material
and i read that if you want it can save as xml.
I dont know what is the default format for ogre actors,and i imagine it must be .mesh.

Do they have to be 3ds?the 3ds i remember messed the smoothing groups because it broke the model to more vertices.
lithunwrap had a fix for that.Maybe today's max 3ds exort exports better.
Cant the obj be loaded in some app and exported from there?
Even if they are nt yet rf2 models,i hope they are nt cursed or something.
Last edited by Veleran on Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Some RF2 Models

Post by bernie »

The current version of ogre is 1.7.1 version 1.8 is not due for release until next year. And the only prog I know of using the unstable 1.8 is ogitor 5 which is also unstable and not due for realease until next year.
I can assure you i have tried every prog I can lay my hands on to load them and the all crash. Also your dino bones obj file is buggy.
What are you using to export the models?
Milkshape crashes a lot when trying to save it as ms3d although I did manage to save that eventually. The model is beautiful and very well made and well textured.
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Re: Some RF2 Models

Post by Veleran »

I exported from max 2011,which exports better than before.You prefer 3ds or dxf then?I can add them the following days if you want.
Tell me which format you prefer and which model first,the bones and the stones maybe,and i can add the new format the following days.
Maybe blender can do the import better.
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Re: Some RF2 Models

Post by bernie »

Well the obj format is a bit dodgy at the best of times. 3ds is a much more reliable fromat. But I am concerned about the ogre mesh files as rf2 is using ogre 1.7 as well. I do think there is a problem with that as they don't work in any of the programs I have tried.
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Re: Some RF2 Models

Post by Veleran »

I replaced the max plugin with the ogre 1.7 version and i can see 1.7 meshesin the ogremeshy viewer,the only way for me to see what the exporter did,so its ok.
I started re-exporting and will update the zips.I ll tell you what i update.

To export the right version is nt a problem,i am restricted by the free version of the plugin to one texture per object,
and i dont know to use it at best.
Example the exporter needs reset x formed meshes,otherwise some objects are exported to the wrong place.

I did that with the bones and still when i export body and scull,they are nt placed after export to the right place.
So,i ll export body + lod as one file and scull + lod to another.You ll just have to place two actors in the same place.

I should make it in one single mesh to avoid export problems,but the model is a little old and was already done.
Now i try making single mesh files.
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Re: Some RF2 Models

Post by bernie »

I made an ogre mesh from the obj file of dino bonesI managed to load. Unfortunately not bumpmapped.

The screenshot is in GameDirector.
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Re: Some RF2 Models

Post by Veleran »

Congratulations.Thanks for the screenshot.The body is the Lod and is for much further distance rendering.
It should not look ugly,can you set it so the other body,the base actor is rendered at that distance instead?
I hope later you find the appropriate text for the normal bump shader to use the normal maps too.

The bones would look more clear at noon of early afternoon, light from above.
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Re: Some RF2 Models

Post by Veleran »

i updated the stones and dry tre,i hope they ll work.
Place one trunk and one branches actor at the same place ... ree/561881 ... y-1/562095

I ll try re exporting the bones,which need some skin/physique editing first.
An xml model is necessary to export along the mesh material and skeleton?Or is it just a model that can be instanced and can be created inside the level editor?
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Re: Some RF2 Models

Post by bernie »

Both meshes in the dyno_bones.obj file are exactly the same and I can't load your ogre ones. The only file that has been updated is the tree file and that crashes ogre too. Also just another little point, lods are not required for Ogre as it creates its own lods very efficiently.
An xml model is necessary to export along the mesh material and skeleton?Or is it just a model that can be instanced and can be created inside the level editor?
No an xml model is not necessary for ogre, but it is necessary to convert the ogre file to xml in order to import it into Equity. The xml converter was written by the ogre team and that is not faulty but your ogre files cause it to crash proving that it is your ogre files that are faulty.
I hope later you find the appropriate text for the normal bump shader to use the normal maps too.
I already can bumpmap models its just that the method is very long and conveluted and I am rather busy with GameDirector. I may bumpmap it soon and I will put up a picture when I do.

here is the code i used for tthe cottage wall in GameDirector. You can modify it for your files. But first you need to get the ogre files working.

Code: Select all

material Cot_Limewash
 	// this is the preferred technique which uses both vertex and
 	// fragment programs and supports coloured lights
 		// base ambient pass
 			// base colours, not needed for rendering, but as information
 			// to lighting pass categorisation routine

 			ambient 1 1 1
 			diffuse 0 0 0 
 			specular 0 0 0 0 

 			// really basic vertex program
 			// NB we don't use fixed functions here because GL does not like
 			// mixing fixed functions and vertex programs (depth fighting can
 			// be an issue)
 			vertex_program_ref Ogre/BasicVertexPrograms/AmbientOneTexture
 				param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix
 				param_named_auto ambient ambient_light_colour
 		// wow do the lighting pass
 		// NB we don't do decal texture here because this is repeated per light
 			// base colours, not needed for rendering, but as information
 			// to lighting pass categorisation routine
 			ambient 0 0 0 
 			// do this for each light
 			iteration once_per_light
 			scene_blend add
 			// vertex program reference
 			vertex_program_ref Examples/BumpMapVP
 				param_named_auto lightPosition light_position_object_space 0
 				param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix
 			// fragment program
 			fragment_program_ref Examples/BumpMapFP
 				param_named_auto lightDiffuse light_diffuse_colour 0 
 			// base bump map

 				texture Cottage\Cot_Limewash_N.png
 				colour_op replace

 			// normalisation cube map
 				cubic_texture nm.png combinedUVW
 				tex_coord_set 1
 				tex_address_mode clamp
 		// decal pass
 			// base colours, not needed for rendering, but as information
 			// to lighting pass categorisation routine

 			lighting off

 			// really basic vertex program
 			// NB we don't use fixed function here because GL does not like
 			// mixing fixed function and vertex programs (depth fighting can
 			// be an issue)

 			vertex_program_ref Ogre/BasicVertexPrograms/AmbientOneTexture
 				param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix
 				param_named ambient float4 1 1 1 1

 			scene_blend dest_colour zero

 				texture Cottage\ 
 	// this is the fallback which cards which don't have fragment program 
 	// support will use
 	// Note: this still requires vertex program support
 		// base ambient pass
 			// base colours, not needed for rendering, but as information
 			// to lighting pass categorisation routine

 			ambient 1 1 1
 			diffuse 0 0 0 
 			specular 0 0 0 0

 			// really basic vertex program
 			// NB we don't use fixed function here because GL does not like
 			// mixing fixed function and vertex programs (depth fighting can
 			// be an issue)

 			vertex_program_ref Ogre/BasicVertexPrograms/AmbientOneTexture
 				param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix
 				param_named_auto ambient ambient_light_colour
 		// now do the lighting pass
 		// NB we don't do decal texture here because this is repeated per light
 			// base colours, not needed for rendering, but as information
 			// to lighting pass categorisation routine

 			ambient 0 0 0 

 			// do this for each light
 			iteration once_per_light
 			scene_blend add
 			// vertex program reference
 			vertex_program_ref Examples/BumpMapVP
 				param_named_auto lightPosition light_position_object_space 0
 				param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix
 			// base bump map

 				texture Cottage\Cot_Limewash_N.png
 				colour_op replace

 			// normalisation cube map, with dot product on bump map
 				cubic_texture nm.png combinedUVW
 				tex_coord_set 1
 				tex_address_mode clamp
 				colour_op_ex dotproduct src_texture src_current
 				colour_op_multipass_fallback dest_colour zero
 		// decal pass
 			lighting off

 			// really basic vertex program
 			// NB we don't use fixed function here because GL does not like
 			// mixing fixed function and vertex programs, depth fighting can
 			// be an issue

 			vertex_program_ref Ogre/BasicVertexPrograms/AmbientOneTexture
 				param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix
 				param_named ambient float4 1 1 1 1
 			scene_blend dest_colour zero

 				texture Cottage\
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Re: Some RF2 Models

Post by Veleran »

Then you have to set the lod distances to much larger values.It looks ugly and triangulated.

I re exported the stones fpr 1.7 and i can see them in the viewer i use.Too bad they still not work.
The max exporters for ogre generally are crappy,or just cured,and i say that because i spend endless hours for days trying to use settings that will work.
I have quit my own stuff for months to make that marine and all the other ogre objects with no result,if i cant export,then someone else might and i can go back to rf1 for a while.
I ll try exporting xml too.If nothing happens again,then ogremax is buggy and cursed.

To see how the skeleton body loads in ogremeshy

Mesh: Loading Dyno_Bones_1_ Body_LOD1.mesh.
Skeleton: Loading Dyno_Bones_1_ Body_LOD1.skeleton
WARNING: Dyno_Bones_1_ Body_LOD1.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.41]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool.
OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException): Cannot locate resource Dyno_Bones_1_ in resource group InternalMeshGroup or any other group. in ResourceGroupManager::openResource at ..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreResourceGroupManager.cpp (line 756)
Error loading texture Dyno_Bones_1_. Texture layer will be blank. Loading the texture failed with the following exception: OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException): Cannot locate resource Dyno_Bones_1_ in resource group InternalMeshGroup or any other group. in ResourceGroupManager::openResource at ..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreResourceGroupManager.cpp (line 756)

Now all textures are in that folder,it should make the model use the diffuse.It may remember some previous Dyno_Bones_1_ ogre objectsettings (its something ogremax puts in the max scene and i cant edit it by opening it in a text editor or something or make the plugin stop searching for that file)

Ogremax admits the auto lod is much worse.i think its worse when you have nt set the lod to be rendered from far enough.
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