AI is too bad man, too bad. It's like, when in distance or range, enemy shoots and if I'm getting a little farer(?) , it's gonna follow me a little. But not anythiong special. Like they don't react to sounds and stuff. Or like when a firend of enemie's dies, and his friend is next to him, he doesn't react. Should be something to do with attributes.
I did try the demo and it was equally fantastic! I ran into an issue on my laptop when in OpenGL mode I was unable to jump past the second brick wall. But other than that hickup which is the game engines issue, it played great!
Think outside the box.
To go on an adventure, one must discard the comforts and safety of the known and trusted.
:O that's a strange problem. I managed to jump it with my aunts computer, but my father had the same problem... I guess it's something to do with that lag (the greater the lag, the higher you can jump).
But thanks anyway and I hope you still finished the level even with NoCollision .
The issues was on my laptop with Intel Integraded graphics. It had some lighting issues with direct x 7 but I know that's my integrated card with DX issues. I am sure this is an issue with the game engine as its the openGL rendering path allows for more frames to be processed per second and RF must use a frame based physics system or something so it was completing the jump before I rose above it? its the game engine anyway...
I did finish the level I played through in DX on my laptop then again on DX on my desktop. Great work! I can't wait to see more!
Think outside the box.
To go on an adventure, one must discard the comforts and safety of the known and trusted.
Not bad, I love the skybox. The bushes seem a little big and too dark for the lighting the skybox is telling my eyes they should have. I read on your site each bush is 8 ploygons? I think you can do it in 4 still. Use a large triangle instead of plane of 2 triangles for one part of the bush and re-uv map them and you can cut that back down to the original 4 polygons per bush.This hopefully illustrates how you can cut your polygons:
Of course you would need two of these 2 triangle meshes to make the bush fully visible as you said, but it will cut your polygons for them in half. At least it should in theory.
Think outside the box.
To go on an adventure, one must discard the comforts and safety of the known and trusted.