Cut Brushes

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Cut Brushes

Post by TheBassinator143 »

Are there any reasons that I should not use them for making doorways? If so, what kind of things are they best used for?

I'm really excited to be learning how to design games, any help would be greatly appreciated. :)
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Re: Cut Brushes

Post by Allanon »

A cut brush is good for cutting holes in walls so a doorway is a good use for cut brushes.
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Re: Cut Brushes

Post by TheBassinator143 »

Yeah, I figured so. The reason I ask is because I'm not sure if having a ton of cut brushes in the level slows it down or not. Are there any real cons to using them?
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Re: Cut Brushes

Post by Allanon »

Some people say don't use cut brushes because the computer determines how the polygons get split and extra polygons get added. I don't think it's a big deal unless you are make a level with a lot of polygons then you might need to start conserving.
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Re: Cut Brushes

Post by Veleran »

The poly count can be much less if you use cut brushes,
It could be archways, cutting through multiple brushes together like a zigurat pyramid with a vertical cut from the top to the bottom in the middle,etc.
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Re: Cut Brushes

Post by Nighthawk_0973 »

I use cut brushes for all the doorways in my game. If you're exited to learn how to make games, you'll need a proper tutorial. You can't use mine cuz im getting the audio/video to sync despite my 15ish trys at doing so, anyways just google: "how to make a free first person shooter part" its by a guy named "gigafide", hes the one who showed me that RF even existed. He'll teach you:
  • Level Design
    Custom Textures
    Scripting Enemys
    Moving Platforms
    Customizing HUD
    Distributing your game (2 different ways)
    And more(though I can't remember them)
Just remember that he has 3 tutorial even though he said he only has 2 in the first one, it was a change of plans. <-- Infinite Universe Website. It's a 2D MMORPG I'm releasing into beta near the late summer (I hope :D) note: RF isn't an MMO maker. Not yet anyways.
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Re: Cut Brushes

Post by QuestOfDreams »

Pros and cons of using cut brushes:
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