The Bunker...fps survival/horror

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Post by GD1 »

impressive artwork zen, especially on the textures! :)
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Post by ZenBudha »

Thanks GD1. I guess the little break I took from development in order to better learn photoshop is paying off.

I'm feeling much more confident in my texturing abilities. Not only that but I no longer have to do and redo textures 5+ times before I feel they're right. Instead now I tend to get them just like I want them on the first pass.

Also funny the technique I used to do that door texture was the same experimental technique I used when creating my new website. So brushwork between the two is very similar.

It has taken me forever to really be able to paint a rusty texture. Before I used various rusty textures as overlays but the result was always so-so. However now I can simply paint my rust textures as I want them which makes them all slightly different, and the less automated the textures look the better overall that the game looks as well. Since the eye doesn't get as bored at looking around as quickly.

On another note the door is too big so I will have to redo the texture a bit. I have learned though to keep everything in layers so that when such a problem arises it's just a 20 second adjustment to fix.
Fear not the textures for the almighty stylus is with thee - Book of Zen
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Post by SithMaster »

I dont see any swatsitkas-spelling. But your textures do look good.

I dont mean any disrespect to anyone just thought they would fit in this game. I see them in other games like medla of honor, call of duty, and the like. Sorry to ayone i may have insulted.
Last edited by SithMaster on Sat Nov 26, 2005 2:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ZenBudha »

There will be none of those in this game.
Fear not the textures for the almighty stylus is with thee - Book of Zen
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Post by zelda4evr »

this looks like it is going to be a great game!

but...i am german(but i am not from germany)and swastikas don't offend me. infact i don't like nazi's all that much, myself.
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Post by AndyCR »

i think its illegal to view a swastika symbol in germany... the mod "Red Orchestra" for unreal tournament 2004 for instance had to make a special version without them for germany. so in my opinion its best not to have it in a game.
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Post by ZenBudha »

ZenBudha might be working in secret. He might be getting off his butt on this project. :twisted:
Fear not the textures for the almighty stylus is with thee - Book of Zen
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Post by AndyCR »

He might be referring to himself in the third person. :lol:
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Post by steven8 »

WE all might be REAL EXCITED that HE is doing this!! Zen, you do fantastic work. Albeit, in secret. :lol: Post some more secret screens when you get a chance. Shhhh.
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Post by ZenBudha »

lol sorry guess I was in a 3rd person mood. Well after a long long break I feel the need to torture myself once more. My webpage is still up and it constantly reminds me of my unfinished work.

Not a lot of time these days so progress is going to be slow. Perhaps my problem before was too much time to nit pick over every little things. I would do 3 levels in a day. Scrap them the next after staring at them for awhile, redo textures 25 times, etc.

Ah the insanity. lol

Anyway hopefully I'll have some worthwhile progress to show soon.
Fear not the textures for the almighty stylus is with thee - Book of Zen
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Post by ZenBudha »

Been messing with using staticmesh's with bsp only for collision for the levels. However it's a mess since RF has bassackwards coordinates everything has to be rotated before exporting from max, and then it's serious trouble trying to get the staticmesh to line up properly with the bsp geometry.

Basic process right now is collision geometry done in RFeditPro, export to max, rotate and model, re-rotate and export into RFEditPro. However the snap is set to the origin that is set in max which likes to center it in the geometry. Since RFEditPro likes to snap everything this puts everything off by 2-4 units making some oddities in some parts of the levels and collion is off pretty much everywhere.

As well max is giving me fits with trying to bake lighting into the textures.
Fear not the textures for the almighty stylus is with thee - Book of Zen
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