I worked previously on another project with duels but i abandoned because i needed dot3 bump mapping which looked horrible.
Im testing brush shapes and lights radius.

So this one does nt need detail in muscle and equipment,and i can more quickly paint a diffuse only to the quite low poly monsters i plan to use.
I ll start with the classics,first monsters you encounter as you enter the underground dungeon known as the Dark Crypt,
might be the giant spider,the scorpion and the skeletons.
The player you can choose will be a
1.fighter which can use swords,axes,maces a bow maybe and mines.
2. the wizard which uses wands
3.The third is an adventurer which can use half of the items the other two can use,both swords and magic wands and of course can disarm traps and make mines if he has the thieves tools.
---------------------Weapon repairing----------------------------
What i have nt decided and i have nt tried yet is if the melee weapons are indestructible or if they get damaged (their ammunition is not stamina)
and you need to explore ,open secret passages to find some merchants and to use near them a gold attribute and get maximum attribute for the melee weapon (will look like repair).
This way i could place in some dungeon levels a Merchant in a small room with the weapons of the game around and invisible trigger models around each weapon so you have to touch the trigger model while using the gold attribute to repair.
The merchant pawn will know if you triggered a model by its name from a list in the script and detract the specified gold attribute from the player.
What i have nt thought yet is how i ll check in the merchant script if the weapon attributes are full.
So,if the weapons re full in health/ammunition you cant waste money by triggering another repair.
------------------------------------Hide in Shadows---------------------------------------
Another thing i d like to have is to make most monsters scripts in a way they check the ambientfromfloor of the player (its the standard player not the scripted)
and if hes under lets say 64 64 64 dark they cant see him.If anyone knows if it can be done,tell me because the gameplay can use this feature so when you want to sneak or hide you could hide in the shadows of the level.
All comments are appreciated ,however have in mind that the whole gameplay will be simplified because i ll avoid complicated actions and use mostly the built in entities and script less.
---------------------------------------Pressure Plates Triggers---------------------------------------
Another thing i dont know yet how to do is the pressure plate.
That plate is a tile on the floor that can be activated by pushing a stone on it and trigger a door or a trap and i can show its being activated either by:
replacing the texture with another one to show that the glyph on it glows
use a world moving platform model that moves down as long as it is collided.
or make a pawn that moves down as long as something collides it.
I want to use the moving platform but i cant make the plate platform not to play constantly the animation from the beginning ,up and dwn i want it to stay up when not triggered,and stay down as long as something is stepping on the plate.