What is the real reason you care so much about RF2 if you have GameDirector? You didn't answer the question. RF2 not being released does not affect you in the least. You are working on an alternative project which has your ideas in it. You invested your time and effort into that, why care about RF2?
3 No networking... again not yet. GameDirector is being built from the bottom up rather than the top down.
Any programmer knows that if you are incorporating network into an application it should be done from day 1 as it changes the entire design of the application especially if the application has to act as a client and a server. Network is a foundation component...not a second floor component.
2 You say GameDirector doesn't have scripting. Yes that is true at the moment because he hasn't programmed it yet, but it is intended that scripting will be added at the appropriate time. It is very important from a user point of view to make a system where a game can be made without programming and scripting IS programming. Yes I know scripting is important but later. GameDirector is being built with the EDITOR first. That way people can play with it and suggest improvemnts as the project progresses.
Building from the bottom up means functionality first then ease of use. You guys are building top down putting ease of use first. You wouldn't build a house starting on the second floor. I am building bottom up (foundation to second floor) focusing on functionality first then making it easier for people to use (automation). So more advanced users will be able to start first and build foundations for the not so advanced users. If you can't change the behavior of your objects, then it's not much of a game.
1 I am not a programmer so I can't develop my own project. Instead I am helping Terry to develop GameDirector by testing the program as he writes it. I am also making models and developing the scenes. I am suggesting the things a USER wants from the program and Terry is trying to implement them.
That makes you a designer and QA person. There is more to a project than just programmers. You are the admin of the forums as well as a listed developer on SourceForge. You've also checked in files to SourceForge. You have a lot of time and effort into GameDirector, that kind of makes it your project too.

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