NOTE: Before I go into detail about my game I'd like to say that this is NOT made with RF. If this sub-forum is only for RF games than I didn't know this so just go ahead and move it or whatever
Infinite Universe is a free 2D MMORPG I've been working on recently. It's top priority over all my games ever and is going to be huge when it's released (I'm hoping anyways) While the world isn't entirely Infinite it will still be pretty big allowing players to level up to a max level cap of 40 once open beta is released. Here is the website:
the forums are on a page of that website and I would LOVE for you all to join up and spread the word about the forums and game. If you guys want I'll even make people (that I can trust to be) a mod. People must follow the forum rules however.
Most of the game info can be found on the website the rest I'm not releasing to the public....not now anyways. Some info you just have to find out by playing the game. Open betas expected to come out in late summer so check back at the website for client downloads and server online times/server down hours.
nighthawk very impressive. i think you did well anyways when are yo going to make it avalible to the public. Also i would like to be part of this but i have not to much to offer
There are numerous instances on the website where you have misspelled Infinite as Infinate.
I have some advice for you, which you may or may not follow. I know I would have appreciated similar advice when I was your age. I should note firstly that I don't want to curb your enthusiasm for game design; however, there are some things you should be aware of early on.
1: Finish what you start. I can see three individual projects associated with you, and none of them are complete. Start one and ONLY one project, plan it out properly, and work till it is complete. Don't hop from one idea to another, never completing anything.
2: Strive for perfection, and expertise. This, in addition to finishing what you start, takes time and effort. I recall a statistic said to me recently that it takes 10 years to become an expert in something. With that in mind, there are some things you are capable of right now that won't take 10 years, and will improve your games. This includes flawless grammar (not sure if your grammar is correct? Ask someone to proof read your game text and website text). Maintaining a high quality of grammar will cause people to pay more attention to than if you speak like, well, a thirteen year old. The other thing you can do now is proper planning. Once you've settled on an idea to base your game on, write a game design document. Plan out the overall gameplay style ( FPS, puzzle solving, whatever ), storyline, and levels. While you will get better at this as you get older, you should certainly be able to do this fairly well now.
Once you have your game design document, have some other people read it over, both more mature and experienced game developers and people who don't know much about game design but can say "This sounds fun" or "this sounds lame."
Perfection and expertise in other areas take longer to achieve. Here I'm talking about story writing, level design, aesthetics, 2D art, 3D art, sound production, music composition, programming, scripting, etc. And here is the hard part about indie solo development: you can not cover all those areas sufficiently to produce a popular game by yourself. While there are exceptions to this general rule, you are not an exception. So here you have to make a decision on what you will do well, what you will do poorly, and what you will need others to do for you. This doesn't mean you can't make a game alone. This just means you won't be able to make a game that is first class on every area by yourself.
As an example, take me. I decided to focus on 3D and 2D art. Sure, I can make a gunshot sound on Audacity. Sure, I can design a level. But I can NOT do these as well as someone who only does sound design or level design. So yeah, by myself I possess the ability to make a game, but it would probably have an average story, mediocre level design, poor sound, meh music, and bleh AI. That's why I'd enlist help of friends if I attempted to make a game again.
The point of all that? Choose something to do well, and learn to do it well. Make a game with your skills, and that one thing will shine out. This doesn't mean you can't make a game. It means you won't attempt to be great at everything, and in so doing result in being bad at everything.
3. The game industry is not glamorous. If you do by some miracle manage to get employed at an established game company in the future, they'll give you bad pay, long hours, and you'll spend those hours making rocks. 3D modeling hundreds of unique rocks for the various levels they have. (OK, a slight exaggeration). You WILL be a small cog in a large machine, you will get little to no say in how the game will be made, and it'll be hard hard labour. On the offchance that you stick it out and rise through the ranks to a more interesting position, you'll still have long hours, better pay, and better work, but after ten years or so you'll be made a manager. (mind you, that happens in almost any job, if you're good at it).
If you work for a start up indie dev team, you'll have little to no pay, long hours, and only a very slim chance that the resulting game will be popular enough to make some money.
I'm not trying to be depressing or pessemistic here, I'm merely being realistic. You have been warned.
Once I was sad, and I stopped being sad and was awesome instead.
True story.
I know I have a lot of projects but I really don't do much of them. This is my big game. This is everything to me. I know what I'm investing in this. Sometimes I take breaks and than I come back and think the breaks are to long. As far as the 'Infinate' thing, I do that SO much! I almost had the client packaged with 'Infinate' on it.
I thank you for your advice however. You gave good and logical advice, giving me the message and all, but weren't overly negative about it. Thanks for your support.
megatop wrote:nighthawk very impressive. i think you did well anyways when are yo going to make it avalible to the public. Also i would like to be part of this but i have not to much to offer
Can you moderate forums and in-game chat? If so than PM me and tell me a bit more about what you can do for me in that sense and I'll see what I can do. I really need advertisers, moderators, and forum moderators right now. If I can get that than the rest is on my own.
Update about the game however, my mapper is being troublesome (again) and I'll have to try my best at getting the games mapping better since my mapper won't even finish up this area for me. It's a pain but luckely I seem to have received a sudden gain of mapping skills and my maps don't look that bad anymore. They acually are very good now. My mapper couldn't even see something he could add to one of them. Now he won't even look away from his game...
I can't accept any recruits until I get the client out for beta though. That's cause I don't have a way to send it to people.
nighthawk I can moderate fourms. Also what your game engine that your makeing this with. Im good at modeling making in the ac3d and im going to try to import models in here. I can script actors and i know how you can talk into your characters. In a game a characters lips can move and your voice will be in it. Thats realy it.
As far as the engine I want to tell you that it's 2D. I said this in it's description.
No models just images. The engine is right here and I don't recommend using it unless your ready to take the undeserved negative critasizm the forums can dish out. You'll be lost without either the forums, or my, help. It's called XtremeWorlds and it's right here: Making a 3D MMORPG without programming requires buying a 3D MMORPG engine. Try this site if your interested: that's right .com AND .org. Crazy.
What? A picture student? I'm confused. Are you sure you went to the right place, and did you click on the 'Register' link? Also, I don't want to use game maker for it. Something built to make MMOs is a lot easier to work with than something built just to make games in general.
btw, 2D does NOT mean MapleStory clone, it means Top-Down 2D game. (not side-scrolling )