It is kind of "side-scrolly" because you like walk from one "room" to another and you mostly walk left-right and up-down like in old jump-and-run games.
However, there is also the element of depth that is used, although not extensively. The theme is having a good overview over the field combined with pseudo-2d^^
I find it a pretty interesting way to build a level.

Starting town

You walk from one scene to another

I made a small river... and there is a secret spot you reach by going behind the corner you reach when you walk "into the picture" left of the river

Moving into a tunnel. You then move further into the tunnel and come out on the other side...

The sky isn't final. It is just a far clip plane for now. This is the place where you will leave the level.

Here you can go into a crypt.

Inside the dungeon.

I find it important that you cannot see the sky when you come to a dead end
If you're wondering, you cannot fall of the platforms and you cannot fall off the world if you move "towards the camera" too much. I used clip brushes