the dot3 normal mapping on actors shows seams on the uvw edges at some certain sharp angles.
The more uvw seams,the more horrible the normal map looks,and i mean it.
I know it is not a major bug,but when i look at my models with normal maps i have to choose carefully when i press f8 to take screenshots and to not capture the bug in the pics,if you know what i mean.
normal map uvw seams bug
Re: normal map uvw seams bug
I inverted the green channel of normal maps and now look better..
Re: normal map uvw seams bug
I like how you make topics when you have a problem, then solve it ALWAYS by yourself and post the solution, so the ones, who have the problem, can fix it 

Re: normal map uvw seams bug
I have to say that only dynamic lights displays the dot 3 mapping shading direction correctly.
One day i had a level with suns and when i added a light entity it messed the normal mapping direction,and then i deleted the light and all came back to normal.
One day i had a level with suns and when i added a light entity it messed the normal mapping direction,and then i deleted the light and all came back to normal.
Re: normal map uvw seams bug
Where's the like button?