nazis, UFOs, the Antarctic...

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nazis, UFOs, the Antarctic...

Post by mbee »

screenshot of a nazi saucer on the ground, this is based on the VERY wild unpublished diary of Richard Byrd... got a whole nest of these baddies down there it seems, look up Operation Highjump... I need one without the landing gear and one with a Panzer turret mounted underneath...
saucer_full.JPG (38.76 KiB) Viewed 1309 times
Last edited by mbee on Thu Mar 02, 2006 5:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Guest »

Sorry, don't have, but I watched 'League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' this weekend, highly
recommended steampunk movie, about 1000
computer modelers animators worked on it.
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Post by BronzeGargoyle »

The kugelblitz!!!! There are 4 legs on a kugelblitz, according to the plans outlined in the book "Genesis" by W.A. Harbinson, about the Nazi saucers. And, interestingly enough, 4 arms on the swastika right?

Nice model! What is the game about???
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sorry it took so long to reply!

Post by mbee »

darn forum said I was inactive too long, got it all straightened out...

he thanks for the update on the Nazi saucers having 4 legs, the game is about the Nazi regime surviving in Antarctica (rumor has it they sent everybody down there and Hitler DIDN'T die)...

here's one of the enemies:
enemyshot.jpg (42.67 KiB) Viewed 1173 times
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shot of uboat bunkers

Post by mbee »

for your viewing pleasure, I was going to use actors for the boats but world geometry worked almost as well (no funky clipping either with the bounding box...)
(128.55 KiB) Downloaded 225 times
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Post by wxb1 »

nice screenshot!
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scenes from the biolevel

Post by mbee »

this bugged me all weekend, I couldn't figure out tga's and transparency on actors so I could put an embryo in an egg sac. FINALLY got it figured out! just had to use the tga2gebump with the latest release of genesis! so here's the biolab with some very grumpy alien babies...
biolab.jpg (95.99 KiB) Viewed 1062 times
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