Go here and find the "models" link. 135 mb of models in eds format with some animations!
grad also the txture and sounds pack!
Do you want 200 megs of free resources (models, sounds...)?
there are inside some good (but graphically basic) models that you can use as ready content for prototipying the game inclunding humans and props.
I see inside 3ds models and I import them in milkshape with no trouble (I didn't see that extension..). Howeer the models are packed to be used with blitz3d, I think they can be converted easily...
I see inside 3ds models and I import them in milkshape with no trouble (I didn't see that extension..). Howeer the models are packed to be used with blitz3d, I think they can be converted easily...
ops! I apologize for my first message. I was in hurry going to work (at the last time, as always....)
3DS 3d studio max, I mean. In the italian keyboard 'E' and '3' are really close, anyway...
I hope this help, the modes are quite simply but some are nice and I think that Pickles found and used them for 'Forged in Fire'.
3DS 3d studio max, I mean. In the italian keyboard 'E' and '3' are really close, anyway...
I hope this help, the modes are quite simply but some are nice and I think that Pickles found and used them for 'Forged in Fire'.