It seems that I'm on a run with strange anomalies. Today I found another one: transparent brushes.
I created several solid brushes using the same wood texture, with no different values what so ever, and they all appear transparent in game. What is this about?
Edit: I just switched texture packs, and it shows up normal again. so I think this is related to the bumpmapping issue I'm having. Thoughts anybody?
I think the problem is fixed... I think. My boyfriend has taken a look at the program, and he changed the "extratexture"-value to 1 in the drd24 file and somehow that fixed it. The bumpmaps on both our computers look really fugly in-game though (it looks all wobbly and smudgy), but thats just a matter of adjusting to the right bump-map textures I guess.
I'm going to take your advice and update my videocard driver anyway, though.
Agentbromsnor wrote:I think the problem is fixed... I think. My boyfriend has taken a look at the program, and he changed the "extratexture"-value to 1 in the drd24 file and somehow that fixed it.
No problem
It's mostly adjusting the Specular map tho, since it seems the shaders take most bump-lightning info from there. And the Bumpmap seems to have trouble with details so its wise to blur your bumpmap image slightly.
I also figured out how to make triangle brushes with the staircase-template.
Our goal now is to make a couple of concept levels, so we can test the graphics and perhaps tinker a bit with the sourcecode if necessary, before making our first texture-sets for our game.