blender to rf
blender to rf
I my model is all done but when I load it into equity it just crashes on me. my model is an obj and when I load it into equity equity crashes. My model doesnt even have to many triangles and it shouldnt be to high polied.
Re: blender to rf
Hi megatop
Yes there is a problem with the obj converter I noticed it some time back and was going to correct it .
What would really help is if I had your obj file and mtl files and textures if possible you can PM them to me if you don’t want your actor to be public yet or send me a link I will fix the problem and PM you the actor so you can carry on while I do that.
Hope this helps you and I will fix Equity to be more flexible as far as obj to actor is concerned.
Yes there is a problem with the obj converter I noticed it some time back and was going to correct it .
What would really help is if I had your obj file and mtl files and textures if possible you can PM them to me if you don’t want your actor to be public yet or send me a link I will fix the problem and PM you the actor so you can carry on while I do that.
Hope this helps you and I will fix Equity to be more flexible as far as obj to actor is concerned.
Equity_8RF0.1 ( Dedicated )
Equity10 ( Ogre Engine )
Equity10 ( Ogre Engine )
Re: blender to rf
Of course obj format isn't really the best format in the world, just the opposite in fact. You would do much better to export from blender in 3ds format. Equity has no problems with that at all 

Re: blender to rf
ok bernie I did what you said but the type of .3ds equity wants is a .ifo file v:/
Re: blender to rf
sorry for the double post but I got it in but when it was done equity said no textures loaded and equity crashed 

Re: blender to rf
Hi megatop
I have looked at your obj file and it appears to be wanting a mtl file and textures.
If you open the obj file in notepad++ you will notice.
mtllib map.mtl at line 3
and the file also referance several external texture files at
usemtl material_30_texture4.jpg at line 267
usemtl material_29_texture5.png at line 271
usemtl material_58_texture10.jpg at line 351
usemtl material_57_texture9.png at line 595
and so on there are a lot of them if you look.
So Equity is looking for them and will also be the case in the 3ds format what I will do is get Equity to build it this end and put dummy textures in and will modify the program not to crash but say its looking for a texture and replace with a dummy one which you can change for the real one later on in Equity.
Also I seem to remember that RF does not use solid colours any more I remember me and Bernie having a problem with Dema she uses a solid colour on her arm will look at the old post to find out.
I have looked at your obj file and it appears to be wanting a mtl file and textures.
If you open the obj file in notepad++ you will notice.
mtllib map.mtl at line 3
and the file also referance several external texture files at
usemtl material_30_texture4.jpg at line 267
usemtl material_29_texture5.png at line 271
usemtl material_58_texture10.jpg at line 351
usemtl material_57_texture9.png at line 595
and so on there are a lot of them if you look.
So Equity is looking for them and will also be the case in the 3ds format what I will do is get Equity to build it this end and put dummy textures in and will modify the program not to crash but say its looking for a texture and replace with a dummy one which you can change for the real one later on in Equity.
Also I seem to remember that RF does not use solid colours any more I remember me and Bernie having a problem with Dema she uses a solid colour on her arm will look at the old post to find out.
Equity_8RF0.1 ( Dedicated )
Equity10 ( Ogre Engine )
Equity10 ( Ogre Engine )
Re: blender to rf
cool thanks terry so what i should is do is import those textures into in blender and use them in equity than I can change them later?
Re: blender to rf
terry it doesnt make a .mtl when I do make a .3ds model what do I do?
Re: blender to rf
3ds files don't need a mtl file. Just save your textures from blender to the same folder as the 3ds file it makes. if Equity puts dummy textures in, change them for your textures. Be aware that your textures mut be a power of 2 for Equity to load them.
Re: blender to rf
Hi megatop
Have converted you OBJ file to Actor have fixed Equity not to crash there are a few things I need to do before releasing the update.
There are a several things first I have no private web space as such so sending it back to you is the thing my FileFront and GameDirector servers are public i.e. people see them all the time if you don’t mind your actor being public I will put on file front.
The other thing is the actor is built ok apart from the textures I really could do with the textures I will get a list to you. You will need to look in the directory that blender uses when you created it.
Also be careful with the actor I see what you are doing remember there is a limit with vertices for a RF Actor you are at 9818
And last but not least Bernie is correct the OBJ file format is a bit of a mishmash as far as a standard is concerned try to use .3ds or milkshape format.
Have converted you OBJ file to Actor have fixed Equity not to crash there are a few things I need to do before releasing the update.
There are a several things first I have no private web space as such so sending it back to you is the thing my FileFront and GameDirector servers are public i.e. people see them all the time if you don’t mind your actor being public I will put on file front.
The other thing is the actor is built ok apart from the textures I really could do with the textures I will get a list to you. You will need to look in the directory that blender uses when you created it.
Also be careful with the actor I see what you are doing remember there is a limit with vertices for a RF Actor you are at 9818
And last but not least Bernie is correct the OBJ file format is a bit of a mishmash as far as a standard is concerned try to use .3ds or milkshape format.
Equity_8RF0.1 ( Dedicated )
Equity10 ( Ogre Engine )
Equity10 ( Ogre Engine )
Re: blender to rf
ok post it on filefront that is ok but is it possible to take it down?
Re: blender to rf
ok so I have my model pretty much fixed now but when I did a 3ds it says no textures added than equity just crashes does this mean I have to have textures?