Horror Manor - Platform

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Horror Manor - Platform

Post by Veleran »

Windowed screenshot,isometric camera.I have nt done anything yet,i test the camera angle and distance,and how much free space must be above the player head so he can jump.The image below will get updated and change,so i will not fill too soon with junk the space i have there for pics.All have a quick texture and the screen is quite empty.


No hud,no player yet.This player is virgil i modified the biped proportions in max and re build-ed it in actor studio.
I still do not know how to use he new equity tools-i have to learn soon and upgrade.

Only the skull actor is finished ,and it needs a script to make it spin and move up and down and forward backward.
You are supposed to enter Cartoon style haunted houses and outdoor levels you find on the way..
If you think the camera is too far,tell me.

To justify a bit the floor depth (side scrollers dont have depth) i plan to make the monsters like the skull in the pic move
back and forth so you need to pass from the front or behind them-or place two of them to the depth.
If others find the controls not so easy-it is ok,i can quit it and work the Dark Crypt.
Displaying actors in RfEditPro viewports started again to crash and shut down the editor and this time i can nt fix it ,i guess i will disable actors and use the collision brushes to place the entities.
The classic trick of removing the last word from C:\RealityFactory\media\

By the way,it is a staticmesh with no collision and VisCheckLev,and i had to place three lights in a spot instead of one because the light was not enough.
The Skull casts big shadow unfortunately,but i do not want to disable,that shadow is gone anyway when player moves further to the left.
Last edited by Veleran on Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:15 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Horror Manor - Platform

Post by steven8 »

I think it looks awesome! Those skulls are terrific. You say they are going to turn around a go up and down? Cool!
Steve Dilworth - Resisting change since 1965!
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Re: Horror Manor - Platform

Post by Veleran »

For the moment i animated in Max a default spin Key with the jaw to open and close four times during a turn around of 360 degrees
I took the idea from the Old Classic Black Tiger the Arcade cabinet ,which i later played on the Amiga and the pc.
I think i first saw similar monsters in zx Spectrum's Jet set willy back in 1984-85.
If i add them huge a amount of hitpoints (hp),some might back off think they are indestructible,while others might keep firing on them spending all ammunition.
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Re: Horror Manor - Platform

Post by steven8 »

Veleran wrote:For the moment i animated in Max a default spin Key with the jaw to open and close four times during a turn around of 360 degrees
I took the idea from the Old Classic Black Tiger the Arcade cabinet ,which i later played on the Amiga and the pc.
I think i first saw similar monsters in zx Spectrum's Jet set willy back in 1984-85.
If i add them huge a amount of hitpoints (hp),some might back off think they are indestructible,while others might keep firing on them spending all ammunition.
I'd be the 'spend all ammo' guy. :)

I can't wait to see these guys. I love this kind of thing. Reminds of the type of cools things they had in Scooby Doo, Classic Creep Capers for the N64. I loved that game.
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Re: Horror Manor - Platform

Post by Veleran »

I updated the pic with a newer one,while i test how much open space the player needs above his head to be able to jump over the skulls.
It is bare and unpolished because i first try some basic mechanics and after that i will fill it some more if i can.
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Re: Horror Manor - Platform

Post by realityfactoryusr »

Veleran, nice work. Ive only seen one other side scroller done in Reality Factory, forgive me if it was yours, I dont recall. Will your character be able to jump on enemies i.e Mario or will this be a side scrolling shooter?
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Re: Horror Manor - Platform

Post by Veleran »

Hello,he would jump on the enemies like Mario using JumponDammage value of the PlayerSettup.ini.
Can also fire and slash.

I have nt done any other attempt with side scrolling view,this was my first.

I know i delayed much to reply ,but finally i managed to post.My internet provider has broke down so much i could nt log in for days,and the web browser wait time expired all the time.

Hopefully new internet provider and new hotspots and wifi's ,will soon come.
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Re: Horror Manor - Platform

Post by Veleran »

I got back to it and started all over again with much simpler design in modelling and gameplay.
As you may notice the lights positioning and area of effect is important.

I am prototyping some underground platforms now.When i model some more of them i will make collision clip brushes and test jump distances in level previews and get back to edit in modelling as most of the level one piece staticmesh modeled in a 3d modeler.

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Re: Horror Manor - Platform

Post by seppgirty »

WOW! 2 games being worked on in RF..

Screen shots look awesome Veleren. Keep it up.
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Re: Horror Manor - Platform

Post by aicd99 »

Love it

Now could you send in the demo ?
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Re: Horror Manor - Platform

Post by steven8 »

As usual your screens are beautiful, Veleran. What 3d modelling program are you using?
Steve Dilworth - Resisting change since 1965!
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Re: Horror Manor - Platform

Post by Veleran »

I used 3ds max 2011 for modelling and Gmax with GLB2 Quake map exporter Script for exporting collision clip brushes .map for RFeditPro.
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Re: Horror Manor - Platform

Post by aicd99 »

If you can provide me the demo I can report bugs
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Re: Horror Manor - Platform

Post by Veleran »

I got to make some collision brushes for this small sample level to use in RFEditpro when i import the environment as static mesh.
I also made new character,Manol who looks like my brother's signature caricature drawing.
This is in game screenshot from an old temporary prototype level until i import the new one with the cave.
I think i caught some resemblance.
Somewhat hideous with that nose but it is cartoon anyway.
Hes is over the common polycount - is 4000 something polys but he s almost worth it since he is on screen all the time.

He might look a little modern clothed now but if i add armor like costume pickup i hope it can look more old styled.
It is supposed to be like 1600's era with front loaded gun and other few weapons witch finders use.
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I do not promise super multi barreled steam guns like steampunk witchhunters have in horror games since i alone model everything and can get tired,but i can still make some basic weapons he can use according each monster.
The default attack is jump on.
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Re: Horror Manor - Platform

Post by Veleran »

I changed the colors a bit,for better or for worse am not sure.Just thought to add that too.
I often change my mind about the design.
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