I had the chance to play a bit of your demo (though not through to the end) so here are some comments.
The technical side:
When I first started the game, it just crashed. I figured out the reason was the video codec you used for your intro avi file. I simply didn't have the codec installed for that. You may consider using the cinepak codec instead which should be present on all Windows systems IIRC.
Well, I fixed that problem but the demo still crashed due to some missing actors of the concrete gib effect. Even if you don't use that effect, as soon as it's defined in the ini file RF will try to load the resource...
Other than that it seemed well done from a technical point of view. I just had one minor issue when I got trapped at a recharge station by a bot so I couldn't move anymore. Maybe you can find a work around for that?
Also you should remove any unneeded/backup resource from your final distribution to reduce the file size.
The level design:
I really liked the overall structure of the levels, good size and proportions, however I missed a real eye-catcher now and then. The textures could use more variation/details, especially the doors were rather hard to make out. Some higher contrast wouldn't hurt in my opinion.
Overall, the lighting was good and in some places fantastic (e.g. I like the large fog light in level 2 and the room with the pillars on the side walls and the light coming from below in level 3). I think the 3rd level was just too dark.
Don't forget about actual light sources in a 'real' game.
The gameplay:
I think this is the part lacking most in case you want to turn this into a real game. What I really missed from the beginning was the motivation behind the setting. To be honest, I find it somewhat difficult to identify with a robot. Can I make my own decisions or just carry out instructions? Why is it me who must stop all those rogue bots? Are they threatening anyone? What's in it for me?
Next thing I was literally praying for is easier to fix

I really, really missed a HUD element showing me the energy of my trapper device. It makes it very hard to decide whether to go after another bot or head to the next recharge station.
Unfortunately, taking out dozens of the same enemies gets boring rather quickly, especially if they just stand at some (pretty predictive) points (even shown on the HUD) waiting to attack you and you have but a single 'weapon'. Why are there so many of them, what are they supposed to do if they would function properly?
Final remarks:
I hope I wasn't too harsh and that some of my comments may actually be helpful in some way. Anyways, it's nice to see someone still using RF for something

That means that the Easter bunny won't come in vain this year ...