Logic gate use key..which key..

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Logic gate use key..which key..

Post by Veleran »

I thought to use logic gate use key option to trigger secret doors and attributes to spawn where you re standing inside invisible trigger models so it looks like you searched and found something after you pressed the "search" key...
I do not know which is the keyboard key to activate that logic gate.
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Re: Logic gate use key..which key..

Post by Jay »

I think by default it is 'U'. But i don't know how to change it.
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Re: Logic gate use key..which key..

Post by QuestOfDreams »

By default the Use key is mapped to 'U' as Jay already stated. Like any other key, this can be changed in the options -> controls menu in-game.
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Re: Logic gate use key..which key..

Post by Veleran »

I could not make it work.There is no use key setting in the options/controls.
There is just the move forward,crouch etc controls there.
If i need to paste some text in the controls section of menu.ini and you have it post it here so i can use it too,please.
I tried using a trigger entity with no model ,and nothing,
also tried another that had model (just for the show) set to no collide true also,still nothing.

I wanted to use the logic gate type "and" for triggering a search near various places.

The logic gate uses trigger 1 the area trigger that tells the player gets in range -a rubble for example or a bookcase and
the 2nd trigger that failed to activate using the key U is for doing the search.

Since i could nt get it to work i am thinking (still want to find the way using the keyboard key for triggers generally)

to use one pawn for each level just for checking if the player searches by using a specific keyboard key,and will surely want to ask for syntax help for the Search controller pawn in the scripting forum soon.
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Re: Logic gate use key..which key..

Post by wabogenadod »

You could use a scripted player that activates a trigger when a key is down:
If (IsKeyDown(which ever key)
ActivateTrigger(name of trigger);
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Re: Logic gate use key..which key..

Post by michaeljee »

Hi That is great, That is awesome information, i was also looking for this.There is just the move forward,crouch etc controls there.If i need to paste some text in the controls section of menu.ini and you have it post it here so i can use it too,please.
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Re: Logic gate use key..which key..

Post by Veleran »

Thank you very much although i already knew.It is great to see people still script,while i always most of the time modeled.
You know i can not do that to a scripted player because i wanted the player to jump and the old playercontrol script i tried uses a force command to the jumpup order and you get stuck on word bsp geometry when you hit a horizontal box edge.

What script you use i wonder,most possibly you don't use jump at all.Or you do not need precize jumping like the standard player.
Or you wrote a new and better script than the one i mentioned.
I am thinking to work on prototyping and ask later for scripting help-not sure yet if i cn do it but the scripted player can do the search for hidden passages and treasure,so thanks again.
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Re: Logic gate use key..which key..

Post by Veleran »

I noticed that in the House of Shadows demo the use key always works.
You press the U key to open the doors.
While,to me in the latest Rf it rarely works and i still have nt found why.
I noticed a difference,there is a Keyboard configuration file in the Shadow demo root directory but possibly it does nt have to do anything with it-i suspect its is just different key mapping like the jump key that uses in the demo the space bar instead the E key.
Maybe even i could script it, the Use key still would not work often enough.
I wish i could script the menu ini to add the customize controls-select which key for the Use function.
If you do not write it on a help file others would not know they can press the U key to activate stuff.
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Re: Logic gate use key..which key..

Post by QuestOfDreams »

Veleran wrote:I noticed a difference,there is a Keyboard configuration file in the Shadow demo root directory but possibly it does nt have to do anything with i
That configuration file just stores the mapping between keys and actions.

The functionality of the use key may depend on the userange and/or boxsize setting in the playersetup.ini file.
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Re: Logic gate use key..which key..

Post by Veleran »

Thanks for the help.I had already tried the same player bounding box and the use key range settings with the shadow demo to activate a moving platform for start but it's still bugged to me.

Instead using level triggers i will try using Pawns and scripting for searching areas by pressing a key and spawn random actors,and i already messed the syntax,so i will soon post to the scripting forum for help.
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Re: Logic gate use key..which key..

Post by Veleran »

If the latest RF has changed key mapping and the U key is swapped with some other key because of changes between german and english keyboards and other then which is that U key on my keyboard?
The script Showkey.s showed my U key to be number 20.
evilDragie said
Only wierd thing is, is that the keycodes 22, 39 do not resemble U & L but rather P and something else.
I set them to 19 & 20 now wich is Y and U for drop and pickup.

can it be the keycodes differ from pc to pc?
I pressed all the keys and still the moving platform i am testing with UseKey = true does nt want to activate.
What now-how can you make the use key to be the keyboard key 20.

Even if i could make it work to the key 20,i can imagine a play tester with a different keyboard to play the game and press the U key to search a room for the treasure and nothing happening.

http://www.realityfactory.info/forum/vi ... f=8&t=5361

if some one does not know about it,the code for showing the keys numbers is from the manual script help.

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Re: Logic gate use key..which key..

Post by lourencohen »

Byy default the Use key is mapped to 'U', but it is different in some systems like manually assembled systems. You may try using the U key to activate that logic gate, and if it doesn't work contact the system manufacture and get it fixed.

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