Robot Game- details inside

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Robot Game- details inside

Post by realityfactoryusr »

Took 30 tries to recall my password, memory failure I guess. Anyway, here is a looong overdue update. Alot has changed since the post back in October and here are a few screenshots of the project. Its the same one but with a ton of changes. Sorry, no proof of concept yet.





Didnt add any textures yet, only lights for now. Also have quick run through video on my yt channel.
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Re: Robot Game- details inside

Post by realityfactoryusr »

Im not sure if its allowed to post my yt channel, thats where im going to upload any footage I can make of the game being developed. Its "raginbrainstorm" - no spaces, all lowercase. I put up some video of a level im working on. Its just a demo level, a base im going to use for proof of concept. Anything adding to the level that will be used across the game world.
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Re: Robot Game- details inside

Post by Veleran »

Powerful concept,reminds me the 60s doctor who tv series which i watched on a black and white tv at the 70s.I did nt notice it until today.
I did nt know it is nt sure we can post youtube video links here.-i have nt read much of the forums rules anyway.
,I would play the demo even without textures.
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Re: Robot Game- details inside

Post by steven8 »

A link to a video would't be a problem. I'd love to see it. Level design looks really cool.
Steve Dilworth - Resisting change since 1965!
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Re: Robot Game- details inside

Post by realityfactoryusr »

To everyone I apologize for taking so long to reply. My posts might continue to be far and few in between for a while but I will keep updating as frequently as possible.

@Veleran- thank you, I actually watched a few episodes of that when I was a kid. And be careful what you wish for :)
Once you see the textures I created, you may just want this to be a fully lightmapped and untextured game.
I appreciate your words in any case.

Here you go! There are 4 or 5 more vids on the page. Im trying to capture any updates I make and load them onto the channel, just in case anyone is interested in helping. They can see progress, more than just a few screenshots.

Additional screenshots- not sure why but the first two images got cut in half, half the image is missing. Hope theres enough there to make sense to yall.



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Re: Robot Game- details inside

Post by realityfactoryusr »

Got the muzzle flash and mesh to show up in RF after trial and error, prayer and a lot of banging my head against the wall. Finally got it to work! Uploaded 3 new videos to showcase it. Im approaching the end of the basic proof of concept stage. A.I, mesh, muzzle, level, lighting, the basics. Thanks for your help guys. More to come.
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Re: Robot Game- details inside

Post by realityfactoryusr »

Ha! Thought I gave up eh? Still going strong!






More to come! What do you think so far?
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Re: Robot Game- details inside

Post by Veleran »

I like it , old fashion robotic.
If you keep the cylinder sides number and general polycount down you can have fast and bigger levels.
I guess you use far clip plane and fog to keep the frame rate.

I have thought for start an easy way to drop items from enemies by attaching an accessory actor to the root bone of the dead Pawn and use script command that displays message when it modifies a Players attribute to add the pickup to the inventory.
Is there a video of the level?
i did not post earlier because i did nt have internet for months until two- three days ago.
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Re: Robot Game- details inside

Post by Veleran »

I had not read your topic "How do you get an Npc to drop an item " until now because i could not log in for long time and i missed many topics,-you should use that way QuestofDreams said.

What i said was for spawning a random attribute from a very big list.Different from what you wanted i d say.
I wanted to avoid placing hundreds of attributes waiting the chance to get spawned,taking up all the memory.
script would choose random generic type-Armor -treasure-weapon-ammunition -or key ,etc
next script Order-lets say it is ammunition - decides for which the ammo is.
After that,an order called Amount would pick a random 1-10 amount of ammo and attach the ammo looking actor.
The scripted message would explain what exactly you found.
Sorry that i took up this space here while i should talk about your level only,but now that i did it,i tried to explain what it was about.
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Re: Robot Game- details inside

Post by realityfactoryusr »

Hello everyone, sorry for the no posting for a few months. In any case whoevers still around, while I dont consider this an actual game but sort of a proof of concept where I got the a.i, levels textures and stuff to all work together, its something Im proud of. Its even got a giant boss at the end! I hate to call it a game since its of incredibly poor quality and has no sounds or anything. Its just a collection of technical hurdles Ive overcome, problems solved with Reality Factory. Theres no upload as Im still cleaning it up for an actual release. Instead of blabbing about it here are a few screenshots. This is just a demo in my opinion. From what I discovered about Reality Factory its possible to make an an open world game. But thats a project for a much later date. Yes im excited if you couldnt tell! Anyway here are a few mediocre screenshots for the tech demo. God willing and if all goes well I will actually work on a FULL free game hopefully with creative and technical input from the forums! With sound effects, soundtrack and all.





If all goes well I will upload a demo on Friday, eh 4 or 5 days from now. Hey tell me what you think, be rude, harsh and honest, any feedback will make these few months of working on this worth it!

EDIT: I just added my signature. Its a link to my simple minded idea generation site. Still learning how to use the site tools so the contact info is missing but give it time, itll be up there.
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Re: Robot Game- details inside

Post by Veleran »

Very nice,i hope can make it,and keep it simple so it can be easier to develop.
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Re: Robot Game- details inside

Post by realityfactoryusr »

Veleran im glad someone posted! Thought I was alone here :) IN any case the demo is on its way, try this link for anyone around. ... bo_Demo.7z

Its a 25MB file I think an decompresses into 131 MB. I couldnt get the VFS file packing to work so when you unpack it its all out in the open but I dont expect any one will have much trouble with it.

Not sure how long it will be available but whoever DOES download it, please be a critic! Im going to use this as a base to improve upon and make a better game with. An actual game to play since this one is pretty much a tech demo of sorts. This is NOT a completed game but just a few months (ok, a few years of lazy development with Reality Factory) of development with reality factory! Next time will be, hopefully, exponentially better.

Thanks again and please comment, negative or positive youll make this tech demo worth the effort!
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Re: Robot Game- details inside

Post by Veleran »

If you need more people for play testing,you can always post the demo links at the Game Developer forums.
I do not have time to download the demo yet but i hope i can some time later in the future. Until then someone might want to try it.
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Re: Robot Game- details inside

Post by QuestOfDreams »

I had the chance to play a bit of your demo (though not through to the end) so here are some comments. :wink:

The technical side:
When I first started the game, it just crashed. I figured out the reason was the video codec you used for your intro avi file. I simply didn't have the codec installed for that. You may consider using the cinepak codec instead which should be present on all Windows systems IIRC.
Well, I fixed that problem but the demo still crashed due to some missing actors of the concrete gib effect. Even if you don't use that effect, as soon as it's defined in the ini file RF will try to load the resource...
Other than that it seemed well done from a technical point of view. I just had one minor issue when I got trapped at a recharge station by a bot so I couldn't move anymore. Maybe you can find a work around for that?
Also you should remove any unneeded/backup resource from your final distribution to reduce the file size.

The level design:
I really liked the overall structure of the levels, good size and proportions, however I missed a real eye-catcher now and then. The textures could use more variation/details, especially the doors were rather hard to make out. Some higher contrast wouldn't hurt in my opinion.
Overall, the lighting was good and in some places fantastic (e.g. I like the large fog light in level 2 and the room with the pillars on the side walls and the light coming from below in level 3). I think the 3rd level was just too dark.
Don't forget about actual light sources in a 'real' game.

The gameplay:
I think this is the part lacking most in case you want to turn this into a real game. What I really missed from the beginning was the motivation behind the setting. To be honest, I find it somewhat difficult to identify with a robot. Can I make my own decisions or just carry out instructions? Why is it me who must stop all those rogue bots? Are they threatening anyone? What's in it for me?
Next thing I was literally praying for is easier to fix :wink: I really, really missed a HUD element showing me the energy of my trapper device. It makes it very hard to decide whether to go after another bot or head to the next recharge station.
Unfortunately, taking out dozens of the same enemies gets boring rather quickly, especially if they just stand at some (pretty predictive) points (even shown on the HUD) waiting to attack you and you have but a single 'weapon'. Why are there so many of them, what are they supposed to do if they would function properly?

Final remarks:
I hope I wasn't too harsh and that some of my comments may actually be helpful in some way. Anyways, it's nice to see someone still using RF for something :P That means that the Easter bunny won't come in vain this year ... :wink:
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Re: Robot Game- details inside

Post by realityfactoryusr »

Oh lord where do I begin? Thanks and sorry for taking a year to post, had a lot of stuff going on. Im posting here and now because Ive moved onto something new. I might come back to this but for now I have another idea im working on. Again thanks for trying the demo guys.
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