Help with entity ModelAttributes.

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Help with entity ModelAttributes.

Post by Vertex »

The idea is to create an environment of lava, but still do not quite understand how.

At my level I have put an entity called ModelAttributes , I created a model called Lava.

What else do I have to do? :(

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Re: Help with entity ModelAttributes.

Post by Veleran »

If you want to move through it It has to be flagged as empty,and add a Model State modifier entity to do damage by collision.The EChaos can give some waving distortion to the lava texture to look like the lava is moving.
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Re: Help with entity ModelAttributes.

Post by Vertex »

Not understand the translator google does not help me much .

then what I mean is that no entity attributes using the model ( brush ) . ? Reality Factory Spanish :wink:
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Re: Help with entity ModelAttributes.

Post by Veleran »

Do you mean the model attributes entity does nothing at all?You can also try look the brush properties.
It is supposed to tell the environment settings sounds that when you run on the lava a specific sound can be played.
This way you can have different sounds played as you run on different grounds.

; environment.ini
; defines player movement sounds when in different environments











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Re: Help with entity ModelAttributes.

Post by Vertex »

Ok, I get it. The attributes of the entity model is to establish sound where the player walks .

My question is that I can not run the company for a gap to establish it with sound wood model. I may be doing wrong? Reality Factory Spanish :wink:
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Re: Help with entity ModelAttributes.

Post by Veleran »

I am not sure what you are saying ,but no,although the wood sounds should be common,a wood floor attributes has not been added yet.
You can still try play wood sounds for a frozen -for example model attributes model (and tell me if it worked).

I too would like some more model attributes added as a feature request, like :
Wood , Stone, Mud, Acid, Foliage , Twigs, and some spooky like - Bones, Bugs.
It would be cool for the atmosphere if you can get the sounds.
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Re: Help with entity ModelAttributes.

Post by Vertex »

In my tests of learning, I realize that the model ATTRIBUTES entity is only for hollow models. Where to put it so utomatica on stage and his property is set for example in "Water," the character to be walked in contact with the ground heard the steps, but if this character jump, the sound of water is heard.

No achievement yet understand this at all. Reality Factory Spanish :wink:
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Re: Help with entity ModelAttributes.

Post by Veleran »

Did you already try the liquid entity.which can play water sounds as you contact the water model brush?
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Re: Help with entity ModelAttributes.

Post by Vertex »

I can not make this work . :x
I need that when you stand above the lava, its attribute decienda health. What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Help with entity ModelAttributes.

Post by Vertex »


No change health as soon as this player on lava. Modify attribute the entity does not work here . :cry: Reality Factory Spanish :wink:
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Re: Help with entity ModelAttributes.

Post by Vertex »

Ok, no problem.

Code: Select all

	// Orden de actualizacion.
		Gorra.LuzLinterna();			// Encender y apagar linterna.
		Jugador.RotacionPersonaje();						// Rotando personaje.
		Jugador.MovimientoPersonaje();						// Movimiento personaje.
		Jugador.AnimandoPersonaje();						// Animaciones personaje.

		// Here pawn walk on Lava
		ModifyAttribute("SaludPawn", -1, "Jugador");
Now my concern , as I do to move the texture of a mild form of the model that represents Lava. Reality Factory Spanish :wink:
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Re: Help with entity ModelAttributes.

Post by Veleran »

Add the lava box world model to a liquid Entity and set the DamageIn = true yo make the model damage the player.

In other cases you use a modelstatemodifier which is that make a world model do damage to the player.
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