Player burying in geometry when pushing something

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Player burying in geometry when pushing something

Post by Veleran »

Has anyone noticed that collision fail when you push a pushable staticentity or Pawn your Player's feet usually get embedded inside some world geometry and can not move until you press escape to menu twice and reset the player position?
It happens most of the time when you push something up a ramp.
If you push an actor up the stairs when you reach the top and move further you are so deep in the floor you can not see the player or get out again even if you press esc.
Only solution to that is reload or start new game.

I do not really mind but some that run a demo will get annoyed if they maneuver around monsters and get stuck even for few seconds.
Of course if it gets tough in game they might anyway want to hit escape to regroup a little.
I do not know if this bug can be easily fixed but i mention it anyway,and excuse me in advance if the case has been mentioned before in bugs topics and i did not know it.
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