Dungeon Maker
Dungeon Maker
As many of you know Reality Factory is based on the Genesis3d engine. Well there is another project called Entidad3d which is a Spanish engine based off the Genesis3d engine and most of it's media assets can be used with Reality Factory because they both use Genesis3d.
Anyway Entidad3d has a very cool dungeon maker and you can use the resulting map file with Reality Factory. You will need to download Entidad3d to get the tools and assets to build the dungeon but then you can transfer everything to RF and use the RF editor to make changes.
Here is a tutorial on how to use Entidad3d's Dungeon Maker, it's in Spanish but my Chome browser had no problem translating:
http://www.entidad-3d.com/tutoriales/tu ... index.html
Note: Because of the translation it took me while to figure out that ver_botones_mazmorra should equal si not yes. And to get the video settings with the Generate Dungeon Maker buttons you can run secta_video.bat.
Anyway Entidad3d has a very cool dungeon maker and you can use the resulting map file with Reality Factory. You will need to download Entidad3d to get the tools and assets to build the dungeon but then you can transfer everything to RF and use the RF editor to make changes.
Here is a tutorial on how to use Entidad3d's Dungeon Maker, it's in Spanish but my Chome browser had no problem translating:
http://www.entidad-3d.com/tutoriales/tu ... index.html
Note: Because of the translation it took me while to figure out that ver_botones_mazmorra should equal si not yes. And to get the video settings with the Generate Dungeon Maker buttons you can run secta_video.bat.
Re: Dungeon Maker
Have you got this to work? Could you possibly do a tutorial for this for english speaking people? I get lost when you have to turn it into a .map file. This looks like a great tool.
Re: Dungeon Maker
1. Download Entidad3D (Entidad 3D v4.6c (Build 01))
2. Install Entidata3D
3. Go to the Entidata3D folder and edit the mazemorria.ini file. Change ver_botones_mazmorra = no to ver_botones_mazmorra = si. Then save it.
4. Go to Entidata3D's DungeonMaker folder and run DUNGENMK.exe.
5. Right Click on DungeonMaker program window and enable Show Text Maze.
6. Make a dungeon using the DungeonMaker program.
7. When done click Show then select all the text in the right-hand window. Use CTRL-C to copy the selected text.
8. Open the dungeon.txt file located in the DungeonMaker folder and erase all the text then paste your copied text in to the file. Then save it.
9. Go to the main Entidata3D folder and run secta_video.bat.
10. Select Generar mazemorria 'Dungeon Maker' then click OK to close program
11. Go to Entidata3D's level folder and copy all files with the mazemorria in the name to Reality Factory's level folder. (If you make another dungeon then you just need to copy the new mazemorria.map file).
12. You will also need to copy Entidata3D's actor files to Reality Factory. When opening the mazemorria.map file in RFEditPro it will tell you what assets are missing.
13. Run RFEditPro and add the mazemorria.txl file and then open the mazemorria.map file.
2. Install Entidata3D
3. Go to the Entidata3D folder and edit the mazemorria.ini file. Change ver_botones_mazmorra = no to ver_botones_mazmorra = si. Then save it.
4. Go to Entidata3D's DungeonMaker folder and run DUNGENMK.exe.
5. Right Click on DungeonMaker program window and enable Show Text Maze.
6. Make a dungeon using the DungeonMaker program.
7. When done click Show then select all the text in the right-hand window. Use CTRL-C to copy the selected text.
8. Open the dungeon.txt file located in the DungeonMaker folder and erase all the text then paste your copied text in to the file. Then save it.
9. Go to the main Entidata3D folder and run secta_video.bat.
10. Select Generar mazemorria 'Dungeon Maker' then click OK to close program
11. Go to Entidata3D's level folder and copy all files with the mazemorria in the name to Reality Factory's level folder. (If you make another dungeon then you just need to copy the new mazemorria.map file).
12. You will also need to copy Entidata3D's actor files to Reality Factory. When opening the mazemorria.map file in RFEditPro it will tell you what assets are missing.
13. Run RFEditPro and add the mazemorria.txl file and then open the mazemorria.map file.
Re: Dungeon Maker
Thanks for the info. I will slowly go through this and get it working. I wonder if this could be ported over to reality factor?
Re: Dungeon Maker
The Dungeon Maker program was written by Pete Tyjewski and is a standalone program. The magic happens in the entidad3d.exe program, that is where it converts the output from Dungeon Maker to a .map file which can be opened in RFEditPro. We would need the source code to entidad3d.exe to add it to RF.
Re: Dungeon Maker
I will email the guy myself to ask for the source code to the engine if he provides the code would you add it to Reality factory ???Allanon wrote:The Dungeon Maker program was written by Pete Tyjewski and is a standalone program. The magic happens in the entidad3d.exe program, that is where it converts the output from Dungeon Maker to a .map file which can be opened in RFEditPro. We would need the source code to entidad3d.exe to add it to RF.
Re: Dungeon Maker
Has anyone got this to work?
Re: Dungeon Maker
I did.seppgirty wrote:Has anyone got this to work?

Re: Dungeon Maker
I get to the very end. I get it to compile successfully but when i have it run in rf engine it crashes. Why?
Re: Dungeon Maker
What error do you get? Check your D3DDrv.Log file.seppgirty wrote:I get to the very end. I get it to compile successfully but when i have it run in rf engine it crashes. Why?
Re: Dungeon Maker
This is the log file.
D3DDrv v100.3
Build Date: May 24 2008, Time: 13:15:45
Current Time: 21:32: 2
Current Date: 7- 9-2016
** D3D Driver Initializing **
--- D3DMain_CreateDDFromName ---
Name: Primary Display Driver
--- D3DMain_GetTextureMemory ---
Ram free: 1051925504
--- D3DMain_RememberOldMode ---
--- D3DMain_EnumDisplayModes ---
--- D3DMain_CreateD3D ---
--- D3DMain_EnumDevices ---
--- D3DMain_SetDisplayMode ---
W: 800, H: 600, Bpp: 32, FullScreen: YES
--- D3DMain_PickDevice ---
--- D3DMain_CreateBuffers ---
Back Buffer Count = 1
--- D3DMain_CreateZBuffer ---
EnumZBufferFormats: StencilBitDepth>=8... can do 8bit stencil buffer
ZBuffer Depth Available: 16-bit (YES), 24-bit (NO), 32-bit (YES),
ZBuffer Depth: 16, ZBuffer in Video: YES
--- D3DMain_CreateDevice ---
Vender ID = 4098
Device ID = 26456
--- D3DMain_CreateViewPort ---
--- D3DMain_GetSurfaceFormats ---
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:7c00, G:3e0, B:1f / 16, U:7c00, V:3e0, L:1f / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:8000, R:7c00, G:3e0, B:1f / 16, U:7c00, V:3e0, L:1f / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:f000, R:f00, G:f0, B:f / 16, U:f00, V:f0, L:f / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:f800, G:7e0, B:1f / 16, U:f800, V:7e0, L:1f / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:ff0000, G:ff00, B:ff / 32, U:ff0000, V:ff00, L:ff / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 32, A:ff000000, R:ff0000, G:ff00, B:ff / 32, U:ff0000, V:ff00, L:ff / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:21 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 8, A:0, R:ff, G:0, B:0 / 8, U:ff, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:ff, G:ff00, B:0 / 16, U:ff, V:ff00, L:0 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:ff, G:ff00, B:ff0000 / 32, U:ff, V:ff00, L:ff0000 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:31545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:32545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:33545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:34545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:35545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:31495441 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:32495441 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 8, A:f0, R:f, G:0, B:0 / 8, U:f, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:ff00, R:ff, G:0, B:0 / 16, U:ff, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:5a534552 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:36314644 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:36315344 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:34324644 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:5a544e49 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:4c4c554e Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 8, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 8, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:8, G:ffffff, B:ff000000 Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:8, G:ffffff, B:ff000000 Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:ff0000, G:ff00, B:ff Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:ff0000, G:ff00, B:ff Texture Support Found
D3DMain_GetSurfaceFormats: Unable to find a 888 (24-bit) texture support.
D3DMain_GetSurfaceFormats: Unable to find 556 (16-bit) bump map support.
D3DMain_GetSurfaceFormats: Unable to find 888 (24-bit) bump map support.
--- D3DMain_SetRenderState ---
--- D3DMain_GetTextureMemory ---
Ram free: 1051859968
** Initialization was successful **
--- D3DMain_ShutdownD3D ---
Shutdown was successful...
D3DDrv v100.3
Build Date: May 24 2008, Time: 13:15:45
Current Time: 21:32: 2
Current Date: 7- 9-2016
** D3D Driver Initializing **
--- D3DMain_CreateDDFromName ---
Name: Primary Display Driver
--- D3DMain_GetTextureMemory ---
Ram free: 1051925504
--- D3DMain_RememberOldMode ---
--- D3DMain_EnumDisplayModes ---
--- D3DMain_CreateD3D ---
--- D3DMain_EnumDevices ---
--- D3DMain_SetDisplayMode ---
W: 800, H: 600, Bpp: 32, FullScreen: YES
--- D3DMain_PickDevice ---
--- D3DMain_CreateBuffers ---
Back Buffer Count = 1
--- D3DMain_CreateZBuffer ---
EnumZBufferFormats: StencilBitDepth>=8... can do 8bit stencil buffer
ZBuffer Depth Available: 16-bit (YES), 24-bit (NO), 32-bit (YES),
ZBuffer Depth: 16, ZBuffer in Video: YES
--- D3DMain_CreateDevice ---
Vender ID = 4098
Device ID = 26456
--- D3DMain_CreateViewPort ---
--- D3DMain_GetSurfaceFormats ---
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:7c00, G:3e0, B:1f / 16, U:7c00, V:3e0, L:1f / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:8000, R:7c00, G:3e0, B:1f / 16, U:7c00, V:3e0, L:1f / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:f000, R:f00, G:f0, B:f / 16, U:f00, V:f0, L:f / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:f800, G:7e0, B:1f / 16, U:f800, V:7e0, L:1f / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:ff0000, G:ff00, B:ff / 32, U:ff0000, V:ff00, L:ff / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 32, A:ff000000, R:ff0000, G:ff00, B:ff / 32, U:ff0000, V:ff00, L:ff / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:21 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 8, A:0, R:ff, G:0, B:0 / 8, U:ff, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:ff, G:ff00, B:0 / 16, U:ff, V:ff00, L:0 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:ff, G:ff00, B:ff0000 / 32, U:ff, V:ff00, L:ff0000 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:31545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:32545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:33545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:34545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:35545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:31495441 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:32495441 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 8, A:f0, R:f, G:0, B:0 / 8, U:f, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:ff00, R:ff, G:0, B:0 / 16, U:ff, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:5a534552 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:36314644 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:36315344 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:34324644 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:5a544e49 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:4c4c554e Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 8, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 8, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:8, G:ffffff, B:ff000000 Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:8, G:ffffff, B:ff000000 Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:ff0000, G:ff00, B:ff Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:ff0000, G:ff00, B:ff Texture Support Found
D3DMain_GetSurfaceFormats: Unable to find a 888 (24-bit) texture support.
D3DMain_GetSurfaceFormats: Unable to find 556 (16-bit) bump map support.
D3DMain_GetSurfaceFormats: Unable to find 888 (24-bit) bump map support.
--- D3DMain_SetRenderState ---
--- D3DMain_GetTextureMemory ---
Ram free: 1051859968
** Initialization was successful **
--- D3DMain_ShutdownD3D ---
Shutdown was successful...
Re: Dungeon Maker
Are you able to run the demo levels that come with RF?
Re: Dungeon Maker
Yes i can. That's what got me confused. I'll try to reboot and see.
Re: Dungeon Maker
Rebooting seemed to work for now. how strange.