Could we have an extra value for Percent % of ambientlightfromfloor,so the actors wont get too bright to their unlit parts?
When ambientlightfromfloor is set to true,the characters look flat,lacking contrast whenever there is nt any strong light close by.
because the floors they walk on,are ussualy well lit.
So,the actors are not easily distinguished from the background.
I can not use the ambientlightfromfloor = false,because then
the actors have dark sides,but they can only use dynamic lights-
You would need many dynamic lights,and this slows down the framerate,and brightens the level too much.
To my opinion this feature will improve the game look a lot.
Any luck for getting this feature in?
Percent% value for ambientlightfromfloor
Correction-i got a better idea:
My request is:
1- the actors with ambient lightfromfloor = false to take count of the static lights,
2-the actors with ambient lightfromfloor = false to recieve 3-4 times more light amount from the dynamic lights than what they do now.
I hope this is easy enough to modify.
I dont know why so little amount of the light from the flames reaches the pawns,while the bsp floor nearby has been turn white from the light.
The rootbone of the pawns that determines how much light is to be received is nt so far from the light sourse to be so dark.
The ambientlightfromfloor = false with fillcolor 0 0 0
right now makes
-the pawns for instance-to be black,unless the pawn moves close to at least 2-3 dynamic lights in the same spot.
Static lights are excluded from illumination in the code it seems.
To light these pawns you need to cover the level with so many dynamic lights and flames,that all the walls and floors turn white bright-and the framerate is unplayable.
My request is:
1- the actors with ambient lightfromfloor = false to take count of the static lights,
2-the actors with ambient lightfromfloor = false to recieve 3-4 times more light amount from the dynamic lights than what they do now.
I hope this is easy enough to modify.
I dont know why so little amount of the light from the flames reaches the pawns,while the bsp floor nearby has been turn white from the light.
The rootbone of the pawns that determines how much light is to be received is nt so far from the light sourse to be so dark.
The ambientlightfromfloor = false with fillcolor 0 0 0
right now makes
-the pawns for instance-to be black,unless the pawn moves close to at least 2-3 dynamic lights in the same spot.
Static lights are excluded from illumination in the code it seems.
To light these pawns you need to cover the level with so many dynamic lights and flames,that all the walls and floors turn white bright-and the framerate is unplayable.