C4d To RF

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C4d To RF

Post by DaveC »

I have a weapon model I made, and I wanna know what the best/easiest way to get from Cinema 4d to .. basically Reality Factory.

Post by JXMcKie »

You can´t use C4 directly (at least as far as I know of - I too would like to
know if there is a way since I use C4 too , but I don´t there is...).

But heres what I do....I create the model in C4 and export it as a 3ds or lwo file. Then I use Milkshape to import the file and convert it into Genesis bdy and mot files. I export these and use RF tools to create a Genesis Actor file out of the bdy and mot files. The actor file can be loaded into RF then. I use this procedure, but while I can get my models into RF this way, the models are for some damnable reason untextured. I am still working with this problem (Obviously I am doing something wrong with regard to the textures). But you will have to use Milkshape or the truespace or Gmax converters, but Milkshape is the easiest way around the problem.

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Post by steven8 »

Are they untextured in Milkshape? To create the actor for RF, you must have the textures in the same folder as the actor and have the file path set up in the astudio, to that folder. But first, you must make sure the textures are applied correctly in Milkshape, elst they won't be there no matter how you work astudio.

Post by JXMcKie »

Well, I did as you suggested Steve8, but first of all the bdy model is strangely textured (colours offset) when reimported in Milkshape. Secondly when I create an actor file out of the bdy file I created in Milkshape with the textures placed in the same folder it appears that my actor gets texturized, but when trying to view the actor in Actorviewer it causes the infamous "BeginFrameError" and the application crashes.
What to do ? The textures are scaled to powers of 2 dimensions, but...wait a moment...I use different scaled textures, that is some are 128*128 others 256*256...is that the problem ? or should RF be able to handle that (thats what I thought, but...)

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Post by AndyCR »

be sure they are powers of two, ie 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, ... i read you had them powers of two, but it might be possible that one accidentally got scaled to 127x128 or something. i'm just making sure, because 99.999% of the time gebeginframe error means wrong texture size.

im pretty sure rf wouldnt have a problem with multiple differently sized textures, never tried it personally but im sure its fine.
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Post by steven8 »

Double check the sizes of your textures. I think RF can handle more than one size texture on an actor, just as long as they are powers of 2.

If I wanted more than one texture on an actor, I'd just paste them special into one correct size texture and use the region function in Milkshape to assign them to the proper groups in my model. That eliminates possible problems.

Oh yes, what file format are you using? Bitmaps? I'm a little out of touch, and Rf may handle jpg's these days, but use bitmaps just to be safe. TGA's are okay, I know. I used them for partial transparency. Bitmaps are always safe, though.

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Post by DaveC »

when i import in milkshape nothing happens maybe i'm choosing the wrong option.. Import>Autodesk 3ds ?
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Post by hike1 »

Isn't Gmax easier for import/export .3ds?

Milkshape might not 'get' your texturing job
in C4d, not that Gmax will, but at least I know
how to texture in Gmax, it's just like 3ds Max.

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Post by DaveC »

yay i got it in milkshape, :-p althoughit looks a bit weird the whole things in it but the program displays it a bit weird but i think its all there,

whenever i try to import the gun with materials/textures on it, it gives me some error.

does this mean i'll have to texture everything in milkshape?

Post by JXMcKie »

In answer to steven8 the 2nd <Let us know what happens>

Well, I finally did it. I did get my textured actors into RF :D
Unfortunately some of the textures still look strange - some are apparently transparent, or turned inside out, but....I think these problems are not due to RF or the textures themselves (I used scales to powers of 2, and BMP format) but rather my ineptitude/lack of experience in using Milkshape. So I think I will find a solution when I get to know milkshape better...Oh and in answer to Dave C (I partly usurpated what after all started as his thread) : Yes I believe you will have to retexturise your original C4 models after you imported them to Milkshape. I do that at least with my models...That´s what makes this hobby so great :wink: - You have to use at least 2 different 3d tools, loads of importers, and a lot of patience to get your models into ANY game engine...Sigh ! (Wish it was different - but what the heck ...no pain, no gain).

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Post by hike1 »

a lot of patience to get your models into ANY game engine

Not true, you can do the whole thing, animate,
texture, in Milkshape (I wouldn't, I have 3ds Max), or Gmax. See 'pipeline.zip' it's
obsolete but has texturing instructions for
Gmax, and the only thing I ever did in Milkshape.

Gmax tut in faq


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