Weirdness texturing

Post topics regarding Level Building/Design and Entity Usage with Reality Factory
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Post by steven8 »

I don't blame you, Spyre. It gets a little tiresome listening to this junk.

I feel your rant was totally justified, myself. And Hike, you are just using this as a chance to get in some more jabs at RF's editors. You always love that chance. :roll:

[Edit: QuestOfDreams]
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Post by QuestOfDreams »

If you want to edit vertices open the 3dt file in a text editor and type in the vertex position you want - simple as that :P
the way the editors are built makes it difficult to add vertex editing and there's also a good reason why there is no vertex editing: convex geometry - which is required to build a proper bsp file
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Post by Spyrewolf »

look, the only options at the moment is

a. use RFeditpro -> no vertex editing
b. use another suitable program for vertex editing,
c. model in 3d (i.e 3dmax /equivalent, or milkshape) and build the levels entirely out of actors/static meshes

if you can see, b. is by far the less time consuming, than c. because this basically mean creating the level twice and a. as you said is not an option.

if these aren't what your looking for, then you will need to go elsewhere, because untill the day the editors have vertex editing we can't help you any futher. we have given you lots of options on how to get the results your after, even though official we don't support vertex editing in our editors we can still have them. things do take time and with a bit of patience you can get there "Rome wasn't built in a day"
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Post by steven8 »

Is it just me, or does this thread seem suspiciously shorter somehow :?: :wink:
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