I got one little question too: Do the physics work on bsp geometry also? Or only actors?
sound management on physics implementation is one of the next goals. It isn't so difficult, we are only working on some other basic stuff.All i think it needs is the ability to define several impact sounds for when the boxes hit the ground and land in warer and stuff, that would rock!
Now your player isn't completely a physics entity, but this is another feature quite easy to add in the future. Naturally you can approximate this, attaching the player to a physics entity and then move it in the phyics world. Nout is planning to add this in some better way.1 question though, can the physics of the boxes being hit with the car work with the regular player charector and other pawns instead of the HL buggy?
the actors can have physic properties like mass and buoyancy, they fall and bounce on the floor and on the walls. The bsp level is "translated" from genesis to tokamak world to be a staticbody, that is a body that can't fall or rotate, or something else, in the physics world and has only the collision (with friction and restitution) attribute (the physics objects bounce colliding with it).Do the physics work on bsp geometry also? Or only actors?
the problem is exactly this: i don't see any problem to test the ragdoll untl we can have a good behaviour of this feature but i the same time I don't see how we can move the bones of an actor so make them fit the ragdoll's joints position and rotation. Currently the actor substitutin is the only solutionWhat would be nice in the final version would be the ability to just load an actor into the phyisics engine and under its pawn entity be able to name which bones/joints are to preform under ragdoll physics and under what restrictions.