
Post topics regarding Level Building/Design and Entity Usage with Reality Factory
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Post by incenseman2003 »

I followed the manual for the settings for a teleporter and target. I tested it and did see the glow of a teleporter but it didnt teleport me to the target. I went back to the editor and read the manual again. I tested the game a second time and there was not even a glow this time. I didnt change anything at all. Is there another source of information for the teleporters on how to get them to work?


Added 7:01 PM 3/18/2006:

Teleporters have been done. I have seen the demos. When I try to open the demos the editor crashes, so I cant get a look at how it is done. All it tells in the online help docs is the settings definitions. It doesnt tell the settings that would make it work. The rffaq.txt just gives a basic rundown and no detail. I can get the telepoter to show up as a glow but cannot get it to send me anywhere.

Please. If there is anyone that can help please do.
Last edited by incenseman2003 on Sun Mar 19, 2006 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by animatrix »

First take off the glow and effect, you must attach the teleport to a model or brush, it should work when player touches object, and will teleport to where the target is.
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Post by incenseman2003 »


That seems pretty general. Could you give me some details?

These are the settings for my teleporter.

bOneShot= False
bUseFogEffect= False
bUseTeleportE= True
cColor= 255 0 0
cFadeColor= 255 255 255
fFadeTime= 0.0
fogRadius= 40.0
fogSpeed= 1000
fogVariance= 500.0
Model= <null>
origin= 664 -224 894
PlayerOnly= False
Target= target

These are the settings for my teleporter target.

Angle= 0 0 0
Name= target
origin= -111 -224 76
UseAngle= False
UseOffset= False

What would I have to put in the settings listed above to make the teleporter work?

The following is what the online help docs had to say about my issue.

Notice that it does not tell how to attach Entities to a Model.

It just says that it can be done.

In order to get my transporter to work I have to do this. But it is not obvious how it is done. There is a space to enter the name of a model in the entity properties, but when I double click on it it says null and there is no option that allow me to change it.

How is this done?

"Attaching Entities to an Actor or Model

It is possible to attach many entities, especially effects entities, to another actor or world model. When this is done the entity will follow the actor or model if it moves, always staying attached to the original attachment point. If an entity is able to attach to an actor or model it will have certain entries in the entity definition. These are:




If you want to attach the entity to an actor then enter the name of the entity that has the desired actor in EntityName. Currently the only entities that have actors are StaticEntityProxy, Attribute and NonPlayerCharacter. Any other entity name will be ignored. If you wish to attach the entity to a specific bone in the actor enter the bone name in BoneName. The bone name is case sensitive so you must be exact. If no bone name is entered then the actor's root bone location is used.

Attaching Entities to the Player
It is also possible to attach entities to the player. In the entity's EntityName entry just enter Player as the name. You can attach to a specific player bone or to the root bone just like any other actor.

To attach an entity to a model select the Model entry. A list of the currently available models will popup and you can chose from it. The entity will maintain its relative position with regards to the model's rotational center and will move and rotate with the model.

Note: if you have a name in the EntityName entry and a model in the Model entry the EntityName entry will be used and the Model entry ignored.

Uses of Attachment
There are many reasons you would wish to attach an entity to an actor or model. By attaching and effect (or effects) to a StaticEntityProxy moving via a PathFollower you can have mobile effects. By using a very small actor such as proj.act only the effects will be seen and can add atmosphere to a level. Since Platforms are just a moving model you can attach other entities, such as effects, to a platform model and jazz up an ordinary activity."
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Post by Juutis »

Ok, so... if you want to attach an entity (the teleporter in this case) to a model you have to make the model first (naturally :P).

In the command panel (the panel where you can choose what shape of brush you want to insert to the level) there's a tab called "Models". Select it. Now... select the brush that you want to work as the teleporter and click "Add Model" in the command panel. Now a window pops up and asks you to type a name for the model. Just give it any name. Then select your teleporter entity and choose the "Model" field. Now you there should be two options: Null and whatever you named your model.
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Post by hike1 »

When I try to open the demos the editor crashes, so I cant get a look at how it is done.

What's the error message? Did you try it with World Editor 2?
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Post by AndyCR »

also, you might want to click animate and then stop animation (dont recall the exact wording) and just click ok, ive heard there are problems if there arent any keyframes.
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Post by incenseman2003 »


Once again you have been sooo helpful. Thanks a bunch. Works like a charm!!


When the editor crashed it just closed no error and no log entry. I dont use the world editor2. Is it better than RFEditPro or just diferent. If it is different, can you tell me how?


Im confused by your statement. I made no mention of animation.


Does anyone know who created the docs that came with the program? Is there a more helpful set of docs availible? Im sure alot of time went into the docs and the person that spent that time deserves a pat on the back for the effort. The docs provide almost enough detail to get the job done, in some cases. In other cases all they do tell that a certain thing can be done but it not how it can be done. It is sooo important that help docs be helpfull on all things things that they mention instead of saying that it can be done and then not telling you how.
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Post by AndyCR »

incenseman2003 wrote:AndyCR,

Im confused by your statement. I made no mention of animation.
ive heard it sometimes tends to crash if there isnt one animation in the model, even if it isnt used. if it didnt, ignore what i said.
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