Irrlicht formats for RF2

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Irrlicht formats for RF2

Post by CowboyUp »

Me and some guys from a gaming community are gonna start a game with RF likely, but since it will probably become RF2 before it's finished, I'm wondering what are model or texture or whatever other formats that we might need? Will like Gmax and Milkshape still work?
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Post by MakerOfGames »

Here is the info you need:
(The following text is directly copied from the irrlicth web site)

Currently supported textures file formats:

Adobe Photoshop (.psd)
JPEG File Interchange Format (.jpg)
Portable Network Graphics (.png)
Truevision Targa (.tga)
Windows Bitmap (.bmp)
Zsoft Paintbrush (.pcx)

Currently supported mesh file formats:

3D Studio meshes (.3ds)
Alias Wavefront Maya (.obj)
Cartography shop 4 (.csm)
COLLADA (.xml, .dae)
DeleD (.dmf)
FSRad oct (.oct)
Microsoft DirectX (.x)
Milkshape (.ms3d)
My3DTools 3 (.my3D)
Pulsar LMTools (.lmts)
Quake 3 levels (.bsp)
Quake 2 models (.md2)
In addition, there are exporters for popular 3D packages (Blender, 3DSMax, Gile[s], ..) included in the SDK.

(end copy text)

The main irrlicht page:

The irrlicht features page where supported file types are found:
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Post by AndyCR »

Formats for textures (barring license restrictions):

24-bit .bmp, .psd (i think alpha channel supported), .png (i think alpha channel supported), .tga (alpha channel supported), .pcx. Images should be powers of two, but there won't be issues if they are not, other than a loss of quality from the enigne scaling them up or down to fit the nearest power of two. An optional imagenameimageextension.txt file can be used to give the normal/height map for bump/parallax mapping, as well as several other options, though i dont have the format solidified yet.

Formats for models (barring license restrictions):

.3ds, .obj, .csm, (.xml/.dae), .dmf, .oct, .x (preferred for animated models), .ms3d (preferred for animated models), .my3d, .lmts. Anything that can export to a format included here should work (which is most modeling programs I believe).

Thanks for your interest! :D

EDIT: Thanks MoG!
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Post by Voltare »

i really really wish someone would add support for deep paint 2's .dp2....i like the fact that it can have per-pixel lighting right in the texture........
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Post by AndyCR »

I will consider implimenting it. Thanks.
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