Update 3d Engine

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Update 3d Engine

Post by Reaper »

would it be possible to convert to the Crystal Space 3d engine which is continually updated, I went to Genesis 3d's website their last update was 2002
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Post by QuestOfDreams »

The version of the Genesis3D engine on the offical website is much older than the version Reality Factory currently uses. There have been quite a few features added to the engine since 2002 by the RF-Team.
Currently the engine is ported to DX9 but this will still take some time.
Switching engines isn't an easy task, because of the tight bindings between the engine (Genesis3D) and the shell (RF).
However, AndyCR is working on RF2 using the Irrlicht engine (more info can be found in the general discussion forum).
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Post by Reaper »

thats great, thats all i needed to know
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Post by Voltare »

imagine....this toolset using a more modern engine.....kinda makes one drool...doesn't it?
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Post by GD1 »

i know. working with a next-gen engine really makes you appreciatte RF's toolset. all those little things you take for granted......
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Post by Voltare »

thing is : i use 2 other engines, beyond virtual and 3d rpg-builder 2005.I have also worked with the versions .12 to 1.0 of irrlicht.what amazes me the most about these things is...all three were coded originally by one person!

now, the 3drpgb2k5 just amazes me, the amount of work that one guy has done , to make an almost complete modern engined 3d rpg creator.it uses open scene graph,and i believe the guy works for a swiss software firm as his main job.......his last creator,was fully featured and able to make a complete game,this one he has to finish....but i love the tree generator and the way i can easily create grass sprites, and multiply them across the terrain with 1 click..............

for the price, BV 1.0 is going to be possibly the greatest thing since sliced cheese.......well.....untill RF2 comes out

people may knock RFEDITPRO , but i think it's the best 3d game editor out there ANYWHERE.
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Post by AndyCR »

Yep, it isn't an easy task at all, and as a result almost none of the code from RF1 is being used in RF2. There are so many little strings that are attached to an engine once you commit to it. You may use things you don't even realize are engine-specific. I am trying with RF2 to stay away from tying it to Irrlicht as much as possible so if this becomes neccesary again it will be a smoother transition.

I am working on a new aspect of RF2 which will quite possibly make it the most flexible game engine in the world that is as easy to use as RF1. Actually, I am doing research for it. I should be done and back to hammering out code soon. (Dang, it's been almost a month since I did any heavy, hours-long, flow-consumed coding... How I miss it...!)
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