Include Minigames?

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Include Minigames?

Post by Suboptimist »


I'm an absolute Newbie and want to create a 3d-adventure game with Reality facory.
In this game I want to include several Minigames, for example a simple tetris or something like this.
The player should go to a special point and a dialogue should appear asking him if he wants to play the Minigame.
If he confirms, the 2d-game should start.

Is this anyway possible with Reality Factory? How?

Thanks for your Help,

the Suboptimist
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Post by AndyCR »

Yes, it is. You can find information on it in the manual, under Pawn, Pawn Conversations, and so on.

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Thanks fpr your fast reply

Post by Suboptimist »

Really amazing how quick you answered my question.

I already read a bit of the pawn and pawn conversation chapters of the documentation.
Unfortunately I'm not sure that is really what I meant. Seems to me Pawn is mainly designed to controll enemy bots. Is it really possiple to create 2d-games with it??
Is there any example/ demo / application which uses or demonstrates this?

Greetings, Suboptimist
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Post by scott »

wel i just had a quick thought, im havnt used the entities that much but there is a tleporter, wou cold create your 2D game with RF wich i know you can do, and depending on the outcome of the scripted talk it coule either do nothing or take you to teleportation spot 2, this would load up your new level of the 2d game, with an exit some where using another teleportation back to the original player, it sort of depends what the 2D game is going to be, but it inst going to be that easy, but if you learn the scripting language, or even part of it, or talk to people who already know it in the forums then im sure you can do it.

i hope that helps anyway, welcome and good luck.
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