in level script trigger and multitarget manager. + other...

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in level script trigger and multitarget manager. + other...

Post by fps »

I need to know how to do these things seperatly.

is there a way to put somthing (possibly a brush?) in a level that when:
1) a pawn (generic shooter monster) comes withing a certian distance it makes the script jump to a certian order if its not dead.
2) a pawn (generic shooter monster) comes withing a certian distance it makes the script jump to a certian order but only if the script is on a specific order.
3) a pawn (generic shooter monster) comes withing a certian distance it can be targeted by the monster.
4) it is a button and used with the use key it changes a list of scripts to a specific order.

this and i dont understand how they got the solider pawns in half life to take cover where the player cant see them then move back to attack, if this can be done in RF then does anybody know how?

Also i could use some help in getting my shooter pawns to be able to respond to engaging different targets and their last-seen-positions and such, but i will go into detail on that later.

lastly is there a way to get the player to animate like in half life were you only need an aim/shoot up and down animation and the waist down is animated seperatly.
basicly I want to be able to animate pawns and the player in three seperate sections without 3 seperate scripts. this would be very use full but very hard so if nobody can help me with this last one its ok.


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Post by Juutis »

I'm sorry, but what do you mean in 1) and 2)? When the pawn is within a certain distance of the player? Or a point in the level?

You could script a pawn to take cover and stuff. You could use the command GetCollideDistance to map the surroundings of a pawn and then somehow make the pawn take cover. It's not impossible... but at least challenging.

I guess for that HL animation thing you need two models. One for legs and one for upper body.
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Post by fps »

I am sorry. I wrote that in a hurry so it doesn’t make a lot of sense.
Allow me to clarify. (it still might not make a lot of sense)
For the first part:
1) A pawn (generic shooter monster) comes within a certain distance it makes the script jump to a certain order if its not dead.

What I meant by this is that I want to place a triggerable (can be turned on or off) entity of some sort in the level that (if the pawn is within certain parameters like distance from the entity) triggers a script change in all pawns that are scripted to allow for a change at this point. The change would be from the current order to another order defined in the script (like the damage checker sends the script to a pain order). Also this scripting command must work in a complicated shooter type script.

This would be used for things like telling the pawn to climb over something or that the nearby “lights” entity is now off and that its sight distance has been reduced (or visa-versa).

2) A pawn (generic shooter monster) comes within a certain distance it makes the script jump to a certain order but only if the script is on a specific order.

This is the same thing except the pawn would only look for these entities if the pawn was on a certain order (like idle or alert). This way for example if the pawn is on “idle” and is 100 textiles from an entity called “dark” which is active at the time, then the script would jump from idle to and order called “limitedvision” which would reduce the pawns sight distance until it was out of range of the “dark” entity or the entity becomes inactive.

I think that I can do this with script-points but I don’t know how to add that to my current script but if it would work then I will try it.

Basically what I need is the levels I build to change the tactical decision making patterns of my solider pawns (this way the same scripts could be used in different areas). The script would need to check for all of the basic stuff that it already does and add and remove checking orders for these special entities at different points in the script.

This is still complicated so I will give an exact example of what I want to use this for.

The map is a copy of one of the half life maps with a couple of bombed out science buildings and an outside area. What I want is each individual solider pawn to fight differently when inside then when outside.

For a test I want to try (and need help with) the following;

In the outside area I want there to be an entity close to the entrance of the building that tells the soldiers near it who have been alerted to start following a path through the hallways that comes to a stop in the main room. This entity could be called “alertpathchaser”.

Next probem.
There are entities in the level that are alarms (one inside and one outside). If one is triggered then it needs to activate a special entity in the area across the map (opposite the side with the alarm) so that all soldiers on any order that are in the area opposite the side of the active alarm go to an order to chase one of two paths to its end and then go to the alert order.
Alarm 1 = soldiers on inside go outside.
Alarm 2 = soldiers on outside go inside.
For example one path leads from the inside to the outside. For a solider to start following the path to the outside the solider would have to be near an entity activated on the inside part of the building by the alarm that is outside.
These entities could be called "alarmpath1" and "alarmpath2".

Basically the chain of reactions goes like this.
Player--->in level switch--->triggered separate in level entity that creates an area that is checked for by pawn.

Pawn checking for special entity---> within area of special entity---> go to order ---> “follow path” or whatever.

I think that I can use path-points for most of this stuff but I want to use the in-level triggerable entities to tell the script when to start using the path-points or when to change other things like the sight distance and such.

If you can help me with this or something similar please do,

P.S. can a regular pawn create an in-level path-point?
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Post by fps »

hold off on answering this for now, its to hard and i cant even get my basic script working at the time. see my other script problem post.

this problem is a stupid one anyway. :roll:
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